Book Excerpt: Stoner, by John Williams

For the last few years, I have been reading less of fiction and more of non-fiction, especially stuff related to international politics and economics.

I cannot think of any specific reason for this; but I think I have found the right novel to take me back into the magic world of fiction, which often is truer than the 'reality'.

That novel is Stoner, written by John Williams. This is an old novel, first published in 1965. I am still reading the novel, savoring every word of the poignant tale.

(Read: The Best Way to Crack the GWPI at India's Top B-Schools)

I strongly urge you to read this tale of 'the human story'. Truthful. Sad. Moving. Soul-stirring.

Title: Stoner

Author: John Williams
Publisher: Vintage
Pages featured here: 

Note: All copyrights/trademarks belong to the owners of the publication/author(s). It is not my intention to profit from their work. In fact, I just wish that the readers of this blog are encouraged to buy/read the works represented here.