BREAKING NEWS: someone wants to register 'Je suis Charlie' as a trade mark

Via @markmatter_ and @Loeffel_Abrar comes a piece of news that will be discussed more at length a bit later today. It concerns an application that has just been filed to register 'Je suis charlie' as a trade mark in Benelux in classes 3, 16, 25, 28, 32, 35 and 38 of the Nice classification.

Albeit an IP enthusiast, Merpel is not at all sympathetic to IP-conscious initiatives of this kind, even if she notes that they have become increasingly frequent.

Readers might in fact remember two recent attempts: first, the applications to register trade marks for the flight numbers of the two Malaysian Airlines jets, MH.17 and MH.370, and, secondly, the attempt to register 'I can't breathe' as a trade mark in the US.

As mentioned, a more detailed discussion will follow, including whether applications of this kind should be rejected on public policy/morality grounds.