GNOME 3.15.4 release, developers preview version

GNOME 3.15.4

GNOME 3.15.4 release, developers preview version

GNOME 3 is an easy and elegant way to use your computer. It is designed to put you in control and bring freedom to everybody. GNOME 3 is developed by the GNOME community, a diverse, international group of contributors that is supported by an independent, non-profit foundation.

The GNOME development platform is also an important part of the GNOME desktop environment, providing an extensive, developer-friendly framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop. With GNOME, the user is in control of everything, as the desktop is simple and easy to use, helping you get things done quickly. It is finely crafted and gives you easy access to all of your data.

What's new in GNOME 3.15.4:
Among the new things in this snapshot, you can find clutter using the GDK backend, libinput used in multiple modules (we require libinput 0.8), gnome-shell using vp9 for screencasts, mutter using GTK+ themes, input configuration under Wayland, scrolling changes in GTK+, improved search in gnome-software, a new game (gnome-taquin), and many more.

Default applications

Default applications include the Baobab disk usage analyzer, Brasero CD/DVD burning software, Cheese webcam utility, Empathy instant messenger, Devhelp documentation browser, Anjuta IDE, Evince document viewer, Eye of GNOME image viewer, File Roller archive manager, Evolution mail, contacts, and calendar suite, Totem media player, Seahorse PGP and SSH key-manager, Orca screen-reader, Vinagre VNC client, Gedit text editor, and Nautilus file manager.

In addition, the following GNOME apps are available: Gcalctool, Glade, Boxes, Color Manager, Contacts, Control Center, Dictionary Dictionary, Disks, Documents, Font Viewer, Keyring Manager, Screenshot, Sound Recorder, Logs, System Monitor, Terminal, Gucharmap, and an impressive collection of games.

GNOME 3.15.4 release, developers preview version

Related Links :

New features:

GNOME 3.15.4 is now available at:

More details see the release notes.

GNOME is a support multiple platform development & desktop environment that can run on, including GNU / Linux (commonly called Linux), Solaris, HP-UX, BSD and Apple's Darwin system GNOME has many powerful features, such as: High smooth text rendering quality, and availability of the first international support, and includes support for the reverse text (Note: in some countries, the text is right-to-left layout).