Hackers Terrorize the taylor swift by hacking into her social profiles

 Taylor swift's social profiles are hacked by hackers.Intsagram and twitter accounts were hacked by the some hackers.some tweets were also tweeted on Swift's twitter by hackers but later on tweets were deleted either by Taylor swift or by twitter.Swift got 51 millions followers on twitters and swift owns 4th largest twitter account in the world.while she has 20 million followers on Instagram.Hackers also threaten to leak nude photos of her on the internet.we think these hackers might be working with lizard squad because they also made a tweet on the swift's twitter about lizard squad
 "go follow my boy @lizard"here we got tweets composed by hacker

on twitter swift replied to the hackers about the threat

 Swift should also look after other social profiles and website ,This hacker might be attacking on them too.
since yet nobody claimed about this hack yet

meet hackers