Install/Update Latest Stable Kernel 3.18.2 on Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet, ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) and Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca, Linux Mint 17 Qiana

Install/Update Latest Stable Kernel 3.18.2 on Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet, ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) and Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca, Linux Mint 17 Qiana

In this article, we are going to see how to install or upgrade to kernel 3.18.2 under Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet, ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) and Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca, Linux Mint 17 Qiana and all its derivatives using some terminal commands that will download official kernel files from the Ubuntu server. This version is a Latest Stable release of Linux Kernel 3.18 series.

Linux kernel is the essential part of any Linux operating system. It is responsible for resource allocation, low-level hardware interfaces, security, simple communications, basic file system management, and more. Written from scratch by Linus Torvalds (with help from various developers), Linux is a clone of the UNIX operating system. It is geared towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliances.

For more information on the major Linux Latest Stable Kernel Changes in the upcoming version 3.18.2 Vivid please consult this page.

Distributed in multiple stable branches

Once should not be confused by the many stable branches of the Linux kernel, as they are available for different purposes. For example, there are several LTS (Long Term Support) branches that can be used to deploy very stable Linux operating systems.

These days, major Linux distribution developers provide users with optimized kernel packages for different purposes. However, advanced users can configure, compile and install their own kernels directly from the source packages at any point (all you need is a supported GCC compiler).

The heart of a Linux distribution

The Linux kernel is the heart of a Linux distribution. If you are a long time Linux user, you may have stumbled across upgrades to the default Linux kernel packages, which lead to better support for certain hardware components or peripherals.

To Install/Update Latest Stable Kernel 3.18.2 on Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet, ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) and Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca, Linux Mint 17 Qiana :

For Linux System 32 bit :
wget -c \ \

For Linux System 64 bit :
wget -c \ \

Install Linux Kernel 3.18.2:

sudo dpkg -i *.deb
Atfer install complete, update grub and reboot your computer and choose new kernel in grub : 
sudo update-grub
sudo reboot
If for some reason, the new kernel does not work properly for you, reboot with the previous Kernel (Grub boot loader -> Advanced -> select previous kernel) and run below command to remove Linux Kernel 3.18.2 :
sudo apt-get remove linux-headers-3.18.2-* linux-image-3.18.2-* && sudo update-grub 
The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations. 
WARNING: Installing a new kernel may render your system unusable or unstable. If you proceed with the installation using the instructions below, make sure you back up any important data you have to an external hard drive
Our hope tutorial entitled "Install/Update Latest Stable Kernel 3.18.2 on Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet, ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) and Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca, Linux Mint 17 Qiana" can be useful for visitors or readers.