MapR announces availability of free Hadoop Training

MapR Technologies has announced availability of free Hadoop-Demand Training for developers, analysts and administrators who represent a $50-million in-kind contribution to the broad Hadoop community. The Hadoop training program is a multi-course curriculum designed to expand worldwide adoption of Hadoop technology. The curriculum provides engaging and interactive video lessons, hands-on exercises, labs and quizzes, enabling professionals to acquire valuable Hadoop skills and knowledge on their own schedule.

“We focussed on making it easy for anyone to receive high-quality, comprehensive Hadoop training anywhere in the world. This is a major contribution to the industry, addressing the primary concern around Hadoop skills development and raising the value for professionals who take these courses,” said Dave Jespersen, Vice-President, Worldwide Services, MapR Technologies.

As part of this comprehensive training initiative, MapR has also arranged for the administration of certification exams by Innovative Exams, a leading certification and training proctoring company. Developers, data analysts and administrators who complete the appropriate coursework have the option of receiving full certification as a Hadoop Developer, Hadoop Data Analyst, and Hadoop Administrator. There is also a separate certification track for HBase Developers.
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