Spain and New Zealand join Three UK Feel At Home Roaming

A sure fire way to run up a large phone bill is to use your smartphone abroad and whilst plans such as Vodafone EuroTraveller help to reduce this, there's nothing quite like zero roaming charges. It might seem fanciful being able to use your minutes, texts and data abroad for free but if you're on Three UK, Feel At Home roaming allows you to do just this. The list of countries that you can roam in completely free of charge might be short but Three is always adding new countries to the list and they've today announced two new countries - beginning in April, customers travelling to Spain and New Zealand will be able to use their phone completely free of charge. The two new countries means the total list of countries where Feel At Home roaming is active is now: Australia Austria Denmark France Finland Hong Kong Israel Italy Indonesia New Zealand Norway Macau Republic Of Ireland Spain Switzerland Sri Lanka Sweden USA With many customers in the UK planning their summer holidays, the addition of the two popular destinations - Spain and New Zealand - is likely to come as welcome news but Three aren't ready to stop there with the network confirming they plan to continue adding countries in the near future. Looking at some of the conversations the ...

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