Variety 0.5.2 (Wallpaper Changer) released, install on Ubuntu/Linux Mint via PPA

Variety 0.5.2 (Wallpaper Changer) released, install on Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet, ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) and Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca, Linux Mint 17 Qiana via PPA

Variety is an open source and completely free Linux application that can be used by anyone who wants a flexible and feature rich utility for automatically changing the desktop background (popularly known as wallpaper) of their GNU/Linux distribution.

Variety can download wallpapers from the Internet, but you can also supply a local folder filled with all your favorite backgrounds. You can manually change wallpapers using your mouse wheel over the tray icon, as well as to pause and resume the application at any time.

What's new in Variety 0.5.2:
  • More logging by default, no need for -v argument.
  • Missing XDG directory definitions were causing Variety to fail. Fixed now.
Variety can be installed from Softpedia using the native installer for Debian/Ubuntu-based distribution or from by adding the PPA repository, which will keep the application updated in the future, or by searching it in the Software Center of your operating system.

After installation, you can start the software from the main menu of your desktop environment (it’s located in the Accessories menu). Users will be prompted by a welcome screen that notifies them about the location of the software in the system tray area.

That’s it! The application will automatically change the desktop background at regular intervals. You can change the default interval of five minutes by clicking on the tray icon and accessing its Preferences dialog.

Install Variety 0.5.2 (Wallpaper Changer) on Ubuntu/Linux Mint via PPA :

Add PPA repository in your Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet, ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) and Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca, Linux Mint 17 Qiana, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peterlevi/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install variety
The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.