10 importent computer tricks which is very helpful.

now days computer become very popular and every person having computer or laptop .

for showing your smartness this is nessesary  we have much tricks which empress every person and
you know also first impression is last imression.so using this tricks you show your persional

here i am giving you very importent tricks which are used in dailly life,here i provide 10 tricks .so use them and share your persional experience with your friends.

#1 ) Recover permanently deleted files in Windows

Hello dear friends i hope you are fine.today i will start a very spacial topic" how to recover

permanented deleted item ".Some time we are feeling very sad when we delete our some music

,videos ,software etc by simply doing shift+ delete.

In  genral we delete any type of file in simple menner like right click on that file and simply cick on

delete,So computer delete that file but a copy of that file store in recyclebin folder of the computer.by which user again restore it.but sometime we delete those file also from recyclebin which create

sometime problem because i really need that file in future.Dont worry for this resion" how to restore
our permanent deleted item " you are coming here.Here I am give you my best way to recover that

such of importent files which you really need.

Have you ever deleted a file that you did not wish to and wanted to recover it but did not find it in the recycle bin? You probably deleted it permanently with Shift+Delete or emptied the Recycle Bin. Now what? Don't worry, you may still have a chance to get it back. This article lists some free software

that can recover deleted files from your hard drive or any other storage device instantly.if you faced

any problem during all procedure feel free emailed me.

I write this article for everyone even who has lack knowledge of computer.Here i am provide step by

step procedure for every software .
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2# )  7 tricks for inhence your computer speed by 2 times.

share very important solution of a quetion "how to increase speed of your computer " .many of us

totally frustrate from this problem because when your work is very importent but the speed of your

computer is very slow ,due to this problem people search google to bringing this questio 'how to

increase our computer speed ' .You are not only that person which fight  this problem alone so dont

worry .Sometime before i also face this problem , i totally lost my data due to very low speed of my

laptop .now that time i decide to increase the speed of my laptop,s speeed.Here i give you a suitable

tricks to do your work very iffficiently without your low speed.Genrally our computer/laptop,s speed

slow because some time RAM of my pc less.many malware ,worms,keylogger,temp file etc..are

responsible for making  slow speed of your  pc.

so lets read carefully all possible methode to inhence speed ,here i posted 7effective which widely

used to improvement on our computer/laptops.

now don't do extra beyond i write okay because here some tricks are also give bad result when you

not follow simply step by step process.

lets introduse 7 tricks to inhence your computer speed

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 #3)   how to Change your Processor's name permanently

   Hello friends how are you ? I hope you are fine Today I am back with a very intrested trick how to

change your processor name permanently,  If you are bored of your old processor name and you 

want a new one with a staggering name, then you are coming in right place ,here i explain all the

steps in very simple manner which is easily understand by everyone of my readers. you will

definitely want to see this trick which allows you to change its name to something extraordinary to

make your PC special.

when we  search google how to change processor name then google show ,many of the websites

which show your desire intrest but unfortunatly after apply those steps a drawback appears that is

when we restart our computer then it shw old processor name instead of new one.so we are frustrate

with that thing,but here i am give a suitable idea about how to change our computer's procesor name

even it restart again. After a user restarts his computer, the name reverted back to original which is

obvious as each time Windows boots, it checks the connected hardware and updates the registry value automatically.

Problem: To, make the name change permanent, it was required to update the Processor Name String registry key every time Windows starts.

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   #4) how to make your Keyboard like  Disco light

   Hello friends today i give you a very funny trick by which you can  make  your friends fool.  I am

talking about disco light of your keyboard .We know our keyboard have some LED light over the key or side of the key .for example if you press capslock key it display a small LED light or we can say 

which is easily appear when we press capslock key.BY applying this trick all of your LED light of

your keyboard will automatic appear and disappear.so how is this possible ?

   You can use some VBScript coding to create a live disco on your keyboard by making the LED

lights flash alternately.

Keyboards usually have small LEDs which indicate whether different types of locks are activated or

not. Here is a trick to use the lights of your keyboard in a more creative manner in Windows.

This trick uses a simple Visual Basic Script which when activated makes your Scroll lock, Caps lock

and Num lock LEDs flash in a cool rhythmic way which gives the perception of a live disco on your keyboard

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   #5) Disable USB ports to prevent others from taking your data

 Hello dear friends,today i explain how to  Disable USB ports on Windows PC via Registry

some times we want my friends or any other people not able to  take my computer's data from my

computer using pendrive or any other usb.

Here i explain a trick by which without your permision no buddy taken data from your computer

it is also usefull to protect from hackers because many of the hacker use pendrive as a hacking

device.so after using  this trick nobuddy insert any type of virus in your computer.This trick totally

prevent from bad guys which want to harm you using pendrive or any other usb( universal serial bus).

With this trick, you can disable access to your USB(Universal Serial Bus) ports on your Windows based PC to prevent people from taking out data without permission or spreading viruses through the

use of USB (pen and flash) drives.

if you want to  use this trick to disable USB ports, simply follow the steps given below i give all

bellow steps in sequence.
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#6) make your computer or laptop speakable,

Hello friends in today i expalin a very intrested topic how to give your computer a spacial voice like

us.you have idea what i am trying to say ,obious i am talking about your computer voice ,you know

your computer or laptop can talk like i and you.so here i am provided step by step procedure to how

to make your computer talkable.

Have you ever wondered how can you make your computer speak whatever you input to it like in the

movies? Would it not be fun? If only it was possible! Rejoice, because now it is possible. Well, if you wish to know how to do this, then you have come to the right place. With this trick, you can create a

script in Windows which will make your computer speak whatever you input to script.

you also talk with your pc so how is this possible simply follow steps given bellow.
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  #7)  Use Keyboard Shortcuts to get work done in no time

We all have a computer and always do some in less time which is your requirement in today's.

    generaly we dont have enough knowledge of shortcut keys which work better when we have not

much time to sit with our computer.

in today i give you all shortcut of keys which are proofed  very usefull for you .so simply select your

shortcut key and make your work much better then befor.

If you are tired of having to alternate between your mouse and keyboard to operate your Windows
computer, you would love to know these really useful keyboard shortcuts which greatly increase your speed and efficiency.
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#8) Tricks of notepad Having  fun

do you know that notepad is a very importent application for every computer or laptops

there are lot of feature or program we can make .

notepad is very easy application which make file with any extension like htm,vbs,bat etc.   

If you think that Notepad is just a basic text editor, then, you will be amazed by its capabilities. You

can use Notepad to create everything from personalized logs to harmless viruses that are incredibly annoying.

Notepad, the text editor that comes bundled in Windows is an excellent tool for text editing. But that

is not the only thing for which notepad is famous. It is also famous for its tricks and hacks. Here is a

roundup of some of the best and coolest tricks that you can try using Notepad.
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#9) Make your computer greet you every time you start Windows your computer welcome you.
Hello friends today i come with a very intrested trick which make you a very telented person

when you sit with your friends or any buddy else ,you start your pc and your pc welcome you like

"hello smarty how are you".

Do you watch movies? Have you always loved the way how Computers in movies welcome their

users by calling out their names? I bet that you too would want to know how you can achieve similar

results on your PC and have a computer said welcome.

your friend ask you how is this possible ,please share it with me.and your value will increase in your

friends mind.they think he is very inteligent .

and your reputation will definatly increase.

 so hrere i am provided step by step to make your computer your friend.who welcome you every time

when you start your computer or laptops.

in my previos article how to make our computer voiceable.but here we learn this is heppend

everytime when we start our computer.

      A simple modification in the previous trick will make your computer welcome you in its own

mechanical voice every time you log onto Windows. This is achieved by placing the VBS script

responsible for making your computer talk in the Start up folder Make your Computer Welcome You.
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#10) Find your computer's gender
 Want to know if your PC is a male or a female? Simple. Try the previous trick to know if your

computer is a 'he' or a 'she'. On a serious note, this depends upon the voice you have selected in

Microsoft Text to Speech options.