30% of Snapdeal sellers active on Zone app

Snapdeal’s Seller Zone App has increased its number of sellers within 6 months of its launch. The e-commerce company has announced that 30% of its seller base of 100,000 sellers are now active users of the Seller Zone app. 

The Seller Zone App managed online marketplace application for sellers make it easier for sellers to list products through Snapdeal.com. A number of new features like Scan and Sell and Personalized Dashboard have been added to enhance the overall user experience of this App.
Ankit Khanna, Senior Vice President – Product Management, Snapdeal.com said, “The Seller Zone App is one of our key initiatives for simplifying the process of listing products on our platform thereby facilitating sellers’ business operations. In the last 6 months, we have seen a higher rate of activity on the Seller Zone App vis-à-vis activity through the PC and we expect that 70% of our sellers will start using the mobile app actively in the coming 3 -4 months. Mobile is a vital contributor to the growth of ecommerce and we are creating life changing experiences for our sellers through newer apps on the mobile platform”.
The Seller Zone App is currently available on iOS and Android platforms with plans to roll out a Windows version already underway.
- See more at: http://www.varindia.com/30-of-snapdeal-sellers-active-on-zone-app/