Book Review: "Python for Secret Agents"

'Python for Secret Agents' by Steven F. Lott, published by Packt and sold through O'Reilly and Amazon, is easily worth $10 - $25 for any novice python programmer. The book is roughly 200 pages of python data manipulation tricks, from data generators and loops to parsing complex structures. The book has a wide collection of fundamental data manipulation techniques, but lacks more offensive techniques, such as those covered in 'Violent Python' and 'Black Hat Python'. It does however follow a consistently amusing theme, of accomplishing basic data manipulation tasks as a secret agent preparing data for HQ. Again, the tasks aren't actually security related, which makes the whole theme feel a little forced and cheesy, none the less it is an entertaining take on a programing book while still conveying fundamental python features structures. It's also important to note that the entire book deals strictly with python 3, which is not compatible with python2.7 (the python version I mainly refer to throughout this blog). All of that said, I give this book a solid 5/10 stars, as I think it's more of a beginner to intermediate general python book, and has little to do with security programing or things related to secret agents (other than its cute storyline). I also recommend this book to those looking to get better with programming and web programmers, but don't really recommend this book for penetration testers or security engineers in particular. The following is my typical table of contents overview format:

Chapter 1: Our Espionage Toolkit (Setup and iIntro)
 Getting the tools of the trade - Python 3.3
  Windows secrets (dependencies)
  Mac OS X secrets (dependencies)
 Confirming our tools
  How do we stop?
  Using the help() system
   Mac OS and GNU/Linux secrets (dependencies)
   Windows secrets (dependencies)
  Using the help mode
 Background briefing - math and numbers
  The usual culprits
  The ivory tower of numbers
   Integer numbers
   Rational numbers
   Floating-point numbers
   Decimal numbers
   Complex numbers
  Outside the numbers
  Assigning value to variables
  Writing scripts and seeing output
  Gather user input
   Handling exceptions
   Looping and trying again
 Handling text and strings
  Converting between numbers and strings
  Parsing strings
 Organizing our software
 Working with files and folders
  Creating a file
  Reading a file
  Defining more complex logical conditions

Chapter 2: Acquiring Intelligence Data
 Accessing data from the Internet
  Background briefing - the TCP/IP protocols
  Using http.client for HTTP GET
  Changing our client information
  Using FTP in Python
   Downloading a file via FTP
   Using FTP get() function
  Using urllib for HTTP, FTP, or file access
  Using urllib for FTP access
 Using a REST API in Python
  Getting simple REST data
  Using more complex RESTful queries
  Saving our data via JSON
 Organizing collections of data
  Using a python list
   Using list index operations
  Using a python tuple
   Using generator expressions with list of tuples
  Using a Python dictionary mapping
   Using the dictionary access methods
  Transforming sequences with generator functions
  Using the defaultdict and counter mappings
  Using a Python set
  Using the for statement with a collection
  Using Python operators on collections
 Solving problems - currency conversion rates

Chapter 4: Encoding Secret Messages with Stenanography
 Background briefing - handling file formats
  Working with the OS filesystem
  Processing simple text files
  Working with ZIP files
  Working with JSON files
  Working with CSV files
  JPEG and PNG graphics - pixels and metadata
 Using the Pillow library
  Adding the required supporting libraries
   GNU/Linux secrets
   Mac OS X secrets
   Windows secrets
  Installing and confirming Pillow
  Decoding and encoding image data
  Manipulating images - resizing and thumbnails
  Manipulating images - cropping
  Manipulating images - enhancing
  Manipulating images - filtering
  Manipulating images - ImageOps
 Some approaches to steganography
  Getting the red-channel data
  Extracting bytes from Unicode characters
  Manipulating bits and bytes
  Encoding the message
  Decoding a message
 Detecting and preventing tampering
  Using hash totals to validate a file
  Using a key with a digest
 Solving problems - encrypting a message
  Unpacking a message

Chapter 4: Drops, Hideouts, Meetups, and Lairs
 Background briefing - latitude, longitude, and GPS
  Coping with GPS device limitations
  Handling politics - borders, precincts, jurisdictions, and neighborhoods
 Finding out where we are with geocoding services
  Geocoding an address
  Reverse geocoding a latitude-longitude point
 How close? What direction?
  Combining geocoding and haversine
 Compressing data to make grid codes
  Creating GeoRef codes
 Decoding a GeoRef code
  Creating Maidenhead grid codes
 Creating natural area codes
  Decoding natural area codes
 Solving problems - closest good restaurant
  Creating simple Python objects
  Working with HTML web services - tools
  Working with HTML web services - getting the page
  Working with HTML web services - parsing a table
  Making a simple Python object from columns of data
  Enriching Python objects with geocodes
  Enriching Python objects with heath scores
  Combining the pieces and parts
  Working with clean data portals
  Making a simple Python object from a JSON document
  Combining different pieces and parts
  Final steps
  Understanding the data - schema and metadata

Chapter 5: A Spymaster's More Sensitive Analyses
 Creating statistical summaries
  Parsing the raw data file
  Finding an average value
   Understanding generator expressions
  Finding the value in the middle
  Finding the most popular value
 Creating Python modules and applications
  Creating and using a module
  Creating an application module
  Creating a hybrid module
 Creating our own classes of objects
  Using a class definition
 Comparisons and correlations
  Computing the standard deviation
  Computing a standardized score
   Comparing a sequence and an iterable
  Computing a coefficient of correlation
 Writing high-quality software
  Building a self-testing module and a test module
  Creating more sophisticated tests
  Adding doctest cases to a class definition
 Solving problems - analyzing some interesting datasets
  Getting some more data
  Further research

There you have it. You can easily tell that the sub-chapters and topics are all basic python data manipulation based, as opposed to security examples. This, coupled with the fact that the code is generally not compatible with python 2.7 code, makes this book for the narrower audience of those wanting to lean general programming vs those looking to learn new security related techniques. That said, the book keeps the reader entertained with its 'secret agent' them. Don't take my word for it, check out the preview offered by O'Reilly, and dig into some python 3 web queries and data parsing.