Connect External Wifi in Kali linux VMware

As we all know that we can’t connect wifi through internal wifi adapter if you are using Kali Linux in VM (Virtual machine). If you want to connect your wifi then you need an external wifi adapter so in this tutorial we will learn how can we connect an external wifi in Kali linux which is installed in VM.

  • Kali linux Installed in VM
  • External Wifi adapter
1. Install Driver and Software in your main System
(Click image for large view)

2. Turn on Your Kali Linux OS there you will find a small icon of your wireless device. Click on the wireless device icon then Click on Connect.

3. Now Click on Network Icon then Click on your available wifi network.

4. Write your wifi password and click on connect.

5. Wait for a while and you are connected. 
(Click image for large view)

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