Facebook rewards researcher $12,500 for reporting its biggest vulnerability

Facebook has fixed its biggest security flaw in just two hours when it came to light that how a hacker could use the site's vulnerability to delete every photo on the social networking site.

There are more than 500 million photos are on Facebook according to the report from 2014. Facebook team responded to this vulnerability very quickly because of its uniqueness.

Laxman Muthiyah a security researcher said on his blog that "Any photo album owned by an user or a page or a group could be deleted."

He found the bug while he was poking poking around in Facebook's Graph API, a developer platform that allows websites and applications to tap into Facebook's data.

One user cannot delete the other user's photos by using Graph API but by directing an token from his smartphone the user can assure Facebook that the problem that the other users album belongs to him. Then he will completely access it and even delete the albums if he want.

The bug that was reported was so serious that the Facebook security team fixes it in just 2 hours and then announced the reward of $12,500 to the Muthiyah who reported it in the first place.

The bug came into light just a day after the Facebook announces its ThreatExchange program, to help its defense against the CyberCrimes.