Nasdaq to power Bolsa Mexicana de Valores with SMARTS

Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, S.A.B. de C.V. has announced  that it has reached a licence agreement with Nasdaq to leverage SMARTS, the market surveillance platform offered by Nasdaq. Bolsa Mexicana de Valores will migrate its current real-time proprietary surveillance system to SMARTS for real-time capital market monitoring. With this upgrade, the role of surveillance at Bolsa is strengthened, with new international standards built into all of the monitoring processes, allowing for seamless consolidation of supervisory duties and making these duties more efficient and effective across the board.
“The SMARTS solution fortifies the capacities of reviewing operations that are traded in our market, enhancing Bolsa’s abilities for detecting patterns of behaviour internationally recognized as contrary to good market practices. With the adoption of this technology and according to its strategic lines, Bolsa remains at the forefront in terms of the services offered to the general public, fortifying transparency, ethics and safety with the support of a world-class system,” said Pedro Diez, Market Surveillance Director, Bolsa Mexicana de Valores.
“Supporting Bolsa Mexicana de Valores is an opportunity that Nasdaq is very proud to have been given. One of the most important responsibilities an exchange has is maintaining a fair, open and transparent market that is highly monitored and operated on integrity. We look forward to working with Bolsa Mexicana de Valores as they continue to execute on these principles and strengthen their market surveillance efforts,” said Lars Ottersgard, Executive Vice-President & Head of Market Technology, Nasdaq.
Further, the SMARTS system provides scalability capacities that will allow Bolsa to continue with the projected growth of the market, with a modular and flexible platform without large investments. This will lead to efficiencies not only in the short, but also in the medium and long term, contributing to underscoring the leading position in the exchange industry that Bolsa is committed to.
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