Hijacking Free Blogs To Get High Pr Domains 2015

Wanted to share a little tip I learned at another forum. It's recommended that you have Scrapebox to execute this properly.
Image result for Hijacking Free Blogs To Get High Pr Domains 
 The idea is to get high PR blogs for yourself that are expired/deleted, so you re-register them.
STEP1 Harvest urls: type in Scrapebox site:wordpress.com and feed a lot of keywords
STEP2 Check pagerank for these url's
STEP3 Run the list of PR1+ domains through Scrapebox Add-On livechecker
STEP4 Re-register the domains that are dead according to the livechecker

And there you have your own high PR site. I now have 3x PR2 and 1x PR3 in a couple of hours, I harvested around 100.000 urls. Tip you use another platform then Wordpress since they don't allow to re-register expired/deleted accounts but there are plenty of others that do allow it


STEP1: Scrape a list of url's for LiveJournal.com
STEP2: Check pagerank
STEP3: Run them through Addon live checker
STEP4: There is a little catch on this, you have to pay $15,- to re-register the domain.

Proof of concept: Got this PR4 domain for $15,- chloe-saunders.livejournal.com when you visit the blog you see that I linked back to my affiliate page for Fresh Store Builder, despite that the link is no-follow at live journal just type in Fresh store builder or fresh store builder review and you'll see that I rank at page 1 for both at position #2 and #1 right below the original site. Must admit I ranked at page 1 already but still. Quiet some impact 1 single PR4 link with the correct anchor

METHOD-3: (revised tumblr trick)

STEP1: Create an account at Tumblr.com
STEP2: Harvest a list of high PR blogs using this searchstring: site:tumblr.com/post/ that way you get the pages of the blogs
STEP3: Fill in your own website in the tumblr profile
STEP4: Reblog the pages that you scraped

At each blog page that you reblog your link will be visible and because you filled in your website URL in your profile it will show your website link on each page. The link will be dofollow. I advice to run the harvested url pages through the outbound link checker so that you only reblog pages with less then 30 outbound links. I did this myself yesterday and I now have a list of 800 PR4+ pages that I can reblog. That means 800 PR4+ dofollow backlinks to my moneysite. At Fiverr you can buy like 30 Tumblr accounts for $5 and repeat this trick as often as you like. Again important to only reblog pages with max 30 outbound links. My strategy is to reblog max 20-30 pages of PR5 domains to stay under the radar.

You won't get a high PR instantly but with the next PR update your site should have a nice PR of 3 or 4

METHOD-4: (old Youtube trick)
STEP1: Create a youtube account
STEP2: Switch to the old design (very important cause if you don't do that your link will not be visible on the homepage and the only way to get it visible is using the normal ADD link option but that makes the link no-follow)
STEP3: Fill in your website in the profile section
STEP4: Scrape a list of high PR youtube channels
STEP5: Filter it through OBL checker to get unspammed ones
STEP6: Comment on these channels, you'll get a link back to your channel so your own youtube channel will get a high PR that will flow back to your money site cause of the link you put in your profile.

Disclaimer: All these methods work 100% right now. Don't over do it on each account, 10-20 of PR5+ links for the Tumblr and Youtube trick is plenty to get your moneysite to PR3-PR4. When using multiple accounts on each site make sure you use proxys or a VPN service and run CCCleaner each time you setup a new account to clear cache/cookie's and what not

Have fun with it!

ps method1 and 2 are the most stable reliable ones, method 3 & 4 work now but might not work in the future. Obvious don't forget to remove duplicate domains before you start to check pagerank. Another tip is to use a bad word list as your keyword seed list to increase your successrate finding deleted blogs