15 Must-Know Fundraising and Social Media Stats

LinkedIn launched in 2003, Facebook launched in 2004, and Twitter launched in 2006. Now more than a decade into the Social Web, the use of social networks still continues to grow worldwide and will continue to do so for years to come. It’s no coincidence that online giving is growing rapidly as well. A decade ago most individuals still consumed print news and donated by writing and mailing checks. Today, as donors, activists, and volunteers worldwide have embraced the Internet for news and entertainment, so have they transitioned their giving and their trust to digital. The investment the early adopter nonprofits made into online fundraising technology and strategy in the late 1990′s and 2000′s is now finally starting pay off – especially if they have also invested into a smart, multichannel, integrated social media strategy.

1. #GivingTuesday 2014 raised 63% more than 2013.

GivingTuesdaySource: The Case Foundation

2. Donors are 34% more likely to give on responsive websites.

Responsive DesignSource: Frogloop

3. Email fundraising accounts in 1/3 of all revenue raised online.

email fundraisingSource: Echo & Co.

4. 18% of Americans says supporting youth and family causes are most important.

chartoftheday_2962_Charitable_Causes_Americans_Care_About_Most_nSource: Harris Poll

5. 60% of millennials donate an average of $481 to nonprofits each year.

Millennial GivingSource: Happify

6. Online donors aged 55-64 are the most generous crowdfunders.

Crowdfunding donorsSource: Kimbia

7. Individual that earn $25,000US or less donate the largest share of their income to charity.

change-income-bracket-page-0011Source: Chronicle of Philanthropy

8. PayPal mobile donations on Giving Tuesday 2014 increased 101% over 2013 in the United States and Canada.

paypal mobile donationsSource: PayPal

9. 19.8% of nonprofit event registrations occur on mobile devices.


10. May 6, 2014 was the largest single day of giving in U.S. history.

Give Local America Infographic 2014Source: Kimbia

11. Myanmar, also known as Burma, is the most charitable nation.

myanmarSource: CAF America

12. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are the most regularly accessed networks.

most popular social networks with adultsSource: Cowen and Company

13. Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram are where users spend the most time.

popular social networks with young peopleSource: Cowen and Company

14. East Asia constitutes a staggering 33% of all active social media accounts worldwide.

global social media usersSource: We Are Social

15. The average salary in the United States for a mid-career social media manager is $56,218.

nonprofit social media salarySource: PayScale