7 Latest Facebook Scams 2015 spreading like fire now And Method to Avoid It

Scams are available not only offline but you can find them online too. With the increase number of people online, the internet is getting dirtier and murkier by some group of people.Facebook recently launched a new security wall to block Scammers ,but many are worried these measures would not stop span from spreading and that determined con artists will simply find new ways to get at unsuspecting users.

Did you know friends ? Facebook has more than 1.3 billion users,which make it a hacker's paradise for posting scams.even if only 1 % of users fall for the scam at first that's still 13 million people .And once they fall for the scam .it's more likely some of their friends will as well ,and then those friends 'friends and so on.......

There is an increase of cyber criminals in the world. Various new and unique methods are tested on users and information is gained from them. Even Facebook of government agencies is hacked to get details of confidential information is done by other countries. Precautions are to be taken and concerned authorities and steps are to be taken in safeguarding the Facebook account from facebook scams. You never know you could be the victim of these cyber criminals as they are at loose and not easy to be caught by the authorities.

Recently, Facebook has also been a victim of scams. But authorities have taken steps and are alerting users regarding various facebook scams and how to approach these scams prevailing.

Some of The Types of Facebook Scams Seen Online are As Follows:

***1) Phishing (Facebook Scam 2015):***


Phishing is the most common type of scams seen. You could get links from people informing to click to get prizes or cash. These are received either by chat or posting on your Facebook page. This needs to be reported once these types of messages are received

An example of a phishing email, disguised as an official email from a (fictional) bank. The sender is attempting to trick the recipient into revealing confidential information by "confirming" it at the phisher's website. Note the misspelling of the words received and discrepancy. Also note that although the URL of the bank's webpage appears to be legitimate, the hyperlink would actually be pointed at the phisher's webpage

***2) Send Money Scam:***


You could get a request on your Facebook from unknown person saying he or she has been lost in an island or is bankrupt. The person request to transfer an amount to his account for him to return back to his place and commits to return back once he is safe. Facebook has informed such scams are fake and there are no such accounts available. Facebook advises to block such messages if received to anyone.

The easiest scam to fall for on Facebook is a free giveaway. You'll see everything from gift cards to free tablets, laptops and smartphones. Right now, there are scams that say you can win the new iPhone 6 Plus. You might also see scams for ipads , or the Xbox One or PlayStation 4. To get the gadget, you just need to fill out your information or take a survey.

This is a variation on a survey scam that might show up in your email. It either tricks you into giving hackers your personal information or it has you download a malicious file. Entering your cellphone number on a scam survey leads to bogus premium charges appearing on your wireless bill. It's just better to avoid these surveys entirely. It's very rare for a company to give away something through Facebook. When it does, it's usually promoted on that company's Facebook page or website. If you check their page or site and don't see a giveaway, steer clear.

***4) Messages Containing Phishing Links:***

This is one of the most popular facebook scams 2015. Sometimes while you are chatting with someone, you could get a link which looks strange. On clicking you could get some gold, cash or gifts. Report these accounts from where such messages are received. Facebook team will review on these links and necessary action will be taken.

***5) Malicious Script:***


You could come across some Facebook application informing to copy a script given and paste to your browser. By doing so, the application will give a list of profiles when it is pasted. Not only this, the application will hack into your account and send various events and messages from your account.

***6) Unusual emails:***


You could get mails informing to reset your password from Facebook. The content looks so genuine that you could be mislead to be from Facebook itself. It should be noted that Facebook has mentioned in his policy that it never ask any user his or her password for any purpose.

There are chances that you could click on any of the phishing link. In that case, you need to go immediately to your account and change the password. You need to make sure that the new password is unique and difficult for anyone to break and get into your account.



Speaking of people seeing your profile, did you know there's a way to see who visits your profile? OK, I'm kidding. But if you believed me for even a fraction of a second, we need to have a serious talk, because more than 30% of the scam links on Facebook use this tactic.

This old gem has been around almost as long as Facebook itself. Facebook has made it clear several times: There is no way for any app to show you who visits your profile. Any link or download that says differently is either a prank or a virus. Never, ever, ever believe it! The same goes for seeing who deleted you.

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