8 Interesting Facts about Mobile SEO - BESTSEO-SERVICES

Everywhere you go and in almost every place in the globe, you could see people hunched over a smartphone or a gadget. The world has really gone mobile. Who can blame them? With a smartphone that has the capability of a personal computer, almost every transaction can now be done online and on the go.
This chart from Search Engine Watch is a clear indication of how the world has truly gone mobile, with smartphones and tablets going head-to-head with laptops and desktops as the primary media channel for getting all types of information. Print, television and other traditional media channels have given way to the power of online and mobile channels.

These trends signal business owners and digital marketers to focus their efforts away from traditional channels and go for mobile marketing. Search Engine Optimization, a stalwart in digital marketing, is breaking new boundaries by integrating mobile channels into the mix.

Having a mobile-friendly site is just the tip of the iceberg. Digital marketers can learn more about Mobile Marketing through this series of facts and figures that can help you jumpstart your Mobile SEO initiatives.
The infographic (click to zoom):
Source: - http://searchenginewatch.com/sew/study/2348076/60-of-consumers-use-mobile-exclusively-to-make-purchase-decisions-study