A Clear and Present Danger

Over the past 5 years there has been a dramatic modernization of Latin American criminality. Non-state actor groups have migrated online for the purposes of cybercrime; counter intelligence against law enforcement; and digital money laundering. Many of these crews have begun to target critical infrastructures for the purpose of activism and geopolitics. The recently published Report on Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructures in the Americas highlights the dramatic advancement of asymmetrical capabilities by these non-state actor groups. Within the report, the majority of the 500 respondents emphasized a dramatic increase in the sophistication of cyber attacks. Most troubling, was the ominous phenomenon depicted by the dramatic increase in destructive attacks- cyber attacks, which were intended to “delete or destroy” back-end systems. These “Sony style” attacks are flourishing. In 2015 there exists a clear and present danger, one that illustrates the dramatic evolution of cyber capabilities possessed by non-state actors groups in the region. Multinational companies who own and operate critical infrastructures in the region must take heed. No longer will traditional political risk analysis be effective in managing the risks posed to direct foreign investments. Cybercrime and activism is experiencing a renaissance in the Americas. Multinationals must adopt a forward leaning cybersecurity posture immediately.

The complete report can be accessed at: http://ift.tt/1DYXhw1

“Not all the armies of the history of the world can stop an idea whose time has come.” –Victor Hugo

from Trend Micro Simply Security http://ift.tt/1DYXhw5