ACCCRN releases guide on creation of resilient cities

Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN), an initiative of The Rockefeller Foundation has launched “Road to Resilience,” a guide to creating resilient cities in New Delhi. “Road to Resilience” is in consonance with the primary objectives of creating cities which are resilient to physical, social, economic and environmental challenges. It addresses the issues related to the most urgent emergencies and stresses faced by cities which are caused by severe weather conditions, climatic changes and increasing population. It provides a way forward which can be implemented by urban local bodies and municipalities to respond to adverse events and at the same time deliver basic amenities and services even in challenging times to all citizens.

The book authored by Dr. G.K. Bhat, Director TARU Leading Edge Pvt. Ltd. was launched in the presence of Shri. Anand Singh Bhal, Economic Advisor, Ministry of Urban Development.

Speaking at the launch, Dr. G. K. Bhat said “I am very thankful to ACCCRN for supporting this book which I sincerely hope will act as a guide to all practitioners, Municipal and city managers in their journey towards making their cities “Resilient”. I hope this book will provide a road map and solutions to the government based on principles of conjunctive management of resources to make cities resilient to physical, social and economic challenges. Road to Resilience aims to strike a balance between urban development and environmental concerns... See more