Atos starts IT Testing for Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Atos has opened the IT Integration Testing Lab for the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It marks the successful completion of a major milestone in the run up to the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the start of 200,000 hours of IT testing.

Although invisible to most people, the IT provided by Atos plays an essential role in making the Games a success. For example, Atos provides the systems that beam the results around the world in less than a second for use on television, online and on multiple devices; the portal to support the recruitment and training of 70,000 volunteers and the solution that processes 300,000 accreditation passes so those involved in the Games can access the areas they need during the Games as well as providing those in the Olympic Family (media, TOP Partners, athletes and sports officials) travelling from overseas with a visa to enter Brazil.

Just like the athletes, the Atos IT team needs to prepare for the Games and it is in the IT Integration Testing Lab where they will do their training and test every Results related IT system, IT application and the IT infrastructure itself to help ensure the Games run smoothly. Covering 1272 m2, the Lab is a massive space bringing the Olympic and Paralympic Games under one roof. It comprises 42 cells covering each sport and venue plus 12 cells dedicated to the accreditation and results information systems... See more