BSides SF 2015 Wired CTF

The first day of BSidesSF 2015 was today and Shadow Cats hosted a 'wired' CTF on Sunday (today) only. This was our first time running a CTF event as a group and it turned out to be a really great time. The game was Hackers themed and lots of fun, with all of the regular characters from the SF infosec community. Almost all of the Shadow Cats contributed some number of challenges, we used Matir's scoreboard, and I organized most of the server setup. We ran the CTF for eight hours, with 41 challenges totaling 5,921 points, and 62 players on 39 teams. Overall, 27 of the challenges were solved and the teams collectively scored 10,476 points, with only 20 of the teams breaking zero. We had 2 pwnable, 3 web, 5 reversing, 6 forensics, 7 crypto, 7 trivia, and 11 miscellaneous challenges. The title 'wired' CTF was only to differentiate us from the wireless CTF, we actually hosted the whole thing on AWS so it's all accessible from the Internet and still available to play now! Feel free to check it out and play for the next few days at (I took it down, but if anyone ever wants to have a private party, I still have the VMs setup). Finally, I'm going to post the winning scores (and teams) below:

Thanks for playing everyone! Would love to hear feedback or see write-ups in the comments below!!