Canon organizes photography workshop for school kids

Canon takes pride in encouraging photography amongst youngsters. Canon India encourages young people to discover the joys of photography through its association with a number of schools and other educational institutions in the country.

Canon has organized a photography workshop in Delhi Public School at R.K. Puram, one of the more prominent schools in the city. Andrew Koh, Senior Director, Image Communication Products, Canon India, inaugurated the workshop. There was palpable excitement among the students as they gathered in large numbers to learn more about photography, as well as check out the latest Canon equipment.

Andrew Koh said, “It is always a pleasure to engage with children. Many of them have such a unique perspective on life that once they learn the basics of photography, they are likely to create some stunning images. We, at Canon India, take pride in promoting and encouraging the immense talent that young people have. Our school outreach programmes help us create an enriching learning atmosphere and we will continue to take this forward actively.”

Canon India created an exciting demo zone at the school that showcased some of its latest camera offerings. Photography workshops were organized for teachers as well as students. In addition to this, a contest was also organized where entries were... See more