How To Increase Alexa Rank In 7 Days Quickly 2015

I am going to share you genuine tips to increase Alexa rank, Today’s most important factor. If you ask any company to review their company in my blog, company will definitely check my Alexa ranking status and then set a price for me. one unknown blogger will check your Alexa rank, when you say you are blogger.

I can understand the reason, why all bloggers want a better alexa rank. But Today you will learn basic things to increase Alexa rank quickly. I am blogging since 2013 July, in my past blogging career I had bad times. It took almost three months to get ranked in alexa. I made lot’s of afford to increase Alexa rank, but it took lots of time for me.

Alexa rank matters a lot, when it comes to business. Every one respects those company, who holds a better Alexa rank. I found that a blog with better Alexa rank had always got higher bid in sponsored reviews.

How To understand What is going on in your Alexa Rank?

Increase Alexa rank depends on various factors mentioned below, but as far my experience I noticed certain things happening with alexa ranking. First of all the alexa rank doesn’t get ranked according to what current your rank is, which might lead you to overconfident or demotivate you while starting up.

What Does the graph in alexa means?

Actually ranking of your alexa is your graph which remains in the left side of your blog ranking shown. Alexa is showing you the ranking by calculating your last 3 months blog traffic. Which needs sometime to rank your on your current ranking.

Alexa needs consistency in traffic because they do not rank you high for single day traffic, it will help you to increase for sure but not upto the position which you deserve. You have to understand your blog status by looking at your alexa graph.

If you want your blog getting consistency & increase alexa rank of your blog you have to work harder whenever you see your blog alexa graph sinking.

Note: Don’t panic with your alexa rank if dropped or if you see graph going down sharply, if you work on your blog traffic alexa graph comes back to normal in 2-3 days.

How Do You Understand Your Blog Organic Traffic Stats?

For the same reason you have one alexa graph, for search traffic. This graph also accordingly fluctuates up & down depending on your traffic stats from search engines.

Traffic Source in Alexa: You also find a option where you can see from which different sources your blog is getting traffic. When you run a blog or website you don’t only depend on single source of traffic nor you can control. Alexa is taking a measurement on different referrals from which sources traffic comes to your blog.

Who visits ? ~ This feature is quiet interesting where you are getting a little clue about who visits your blog, like male, females, students, college etc. This feature is seen on some reputed sites only, beginners blog doesn’t get any update on such things. Have patience to see your blog’s who visits your blog it automatically comes after some period of time.

Keywords: In this section of your alexa rank page you get to see your hot keywords popping up from where you get good amount of search traffic. Also % of traffic which comes to your blog for which your blog has ranking on search result.

Country Ranking & Percentage of Traffic: In this section of your alexa ranking page you see your country ranking depending on your traffic from particular country.

To Check Country website ranking is a dream for new bloggers, specially talking about myself. I was very much addicted to analytics & Alexa ranking. I used to wait a lot for my blog Country Ranking. I tried searching on Google for “ How to Check country rank for any country“, but I never got an solution to it. But I got my answer that your blogs will appear with different country rank only when you get good alexa ranking after certain period of time.

I have a strong believe that a blog with a good Alexa rank has always a good future.
Alexa rank is one of the most trusted rank any webmaster would check.

How to increase Alexa rank Fast 2015?

It is nothing more than a strategy, your strategy is going to take you high. Keep your strategy alive when you work, it is not possible to go high with an empty box. If you go high in the competition holding empty box in your hand, you are going to come down again. So I strongly recommend you to concentrate on your blog posts, contents quality.

To learn it briefly, follow the given steps below:

Updating: Always keep your blog updated, it will help you to engage people to your blog. Alexa basically rank according to traffic stats of your blog. More traffic you get, better rank you hold in Global ranking.

Keep new updates each day for your readers to read your blog post. You will find that your traffic is increasing when you update new post. Your readers will love to read new post, but if you don’t have anything new for your readers” you’re loose traffic“. Search engine always love those sites, updated regularly. Another important thing is frequency, if you are making any blog post 5 this week, next week 20 and next time 4 post. I must say “Big NO”, it is better to keep on writing 5 post per week.
Try to maintain the avg no. of post published per week. It will be beneficial for you and your blog. I always keep on writing blog post, but I keep it safe in the draft for posting it when I fail to write new post I will make use of the saved post. It will keep my readers engaged on my blog. But maintaining frequency is very much important to increase alexa rank.

Promoting: Promoting your own work is your responsibility, you had to do it each and every time. I really regret for those days of my early days not knowing how to promote my new post. I just kept silent and relaxed after publishing new post, let me tell you the truth. No one really cares about what you are writing unless you are very popular, even if you are popularly known you will gain much more attention if you shout out.

Never stay quite, just shout out. It will gain you extra traffic & you know that your huge traffic can increase alexa rank rapidly. Social media traffic matters to increase your alexa rank.

Link building: Well!! Why am I speaking about link building here??.. Yes, link building is 100% necessary required. Actually alexa also counts referral traffic,  getting quality backlinks can get you handy traffic. Had you noticed one thing about any website links?

Blog having higher backlinks have higher Alexa rank mostly. It is because those sites are getting higher referral traffic & Off-page SEO is strong. They are definitely going to get many post ranked high in search engines. So they are getting referral & search traffic both.

This is how big sites increase Alexa rank by link building.

Note: Link building can kick your blog out of the competition if not done following this perfect guide
Traffic: Traffic do matters a lot, to increase Alexa rank. It counts your traffic and compares the number of traffic from Organic, referral & Direct traffic.

One more problem with Alexa traffic stats is they count only traffic visited from Alexa toolbar Installed. That is the reason you might had heard that many blogger’s telling you to add Alexa widget. It is because when you add widget and sign up for Alexa and verify your blog. Those codes added in your blog will count more traffic than previous. This is how it is beneficial. You can also read this guide to drive massive traffic to your blog.

One more important thing you must do with your blog is add code in your , given in alexa for verifying. This code is magical code which helps alexa to count your traffic more consistently.
This few thing helped me to take my ranking within top 50 k in short time. Once you implement all this to increase alexa rank you would find better results.

You can Increase you alexa rank by increasing your traffic and follow the above must do tips
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Thank you for reading this article.

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