ISIS hackers hack computer systems at Hobart Airport

ISIS supports just like ISIS are the biggest threat to the world since these groups are involved in several disruptive activities. According to the confirmation from Tasmanian Police, the Hobart airport website was hacked by pro ISIS supports and messages in support for ISIS were posted. The police were informed about the incident at 5.30 AM local time on 13thApril.

Groups like these target websites which use hosting services like the one used by the Hobart airport. The Hobart airport website is hosted by NetRegistry as specified on the WHOIS portal. However, the attack remained limited to the website of Hobart airport and has not affected any of the airport services or caused any damage to the flight schedules.
The increase in such attacks reveals the vulnerabilities of such websites and hosting services. According to the message posted on the website, the website has been hacked by Team DZ, a pro ISIS group which has been involved in many similar attacks on vulnerable websites in the past. The growing threats of pro ISIS groups pose a great security threats and concerns for the world. Along with the violence caused by ISIS, such attacks from pro ISIS groups are intended to target the vulnerabilities of the internet and cause severe damage to global commerce, economy and human lives.
It has become even more important for the world governments to weed out the threats posed by ISIS and their supporters and eliminate such threats. Unlike ISIS, which is limited to a specific geographical location, attacks in the cyber space can cause severe damage to the assets throughout the world. It is therefore imperative that such threats should be taken seriously by the world governments and should be handled in a strict manner.