New EVO:RAIL Challenge Hands-on Lab and CloudCred!

Today the Hands-on Lab team is excited to announce a new Hands-on Lab, the EVO:RAIL Challenge lab. The lab is designed to challenge your ability to configure, deploy and scale EVO:RAIL. This is the first of many challenge based labs to come. These labs are not only designed to challenge your skills, but also highlight […]]>

Today the Hands-on Lab team is excited to announce a new Hands-on Lab, the EVO:RAIL Challenge lab. The lab is designed to challenge your ability to configure, deploy and scale EVO:RAIL. This is the first of many challenge based labs to come. These labs are not only designed to challenge your skills, but also highlight some of the most common misconfigurations and help you be prepared in real world situations.

In the EVO:RAIL Challenge lab, you will be faced with three challenges and have 60 minutes to complete them. The first challenge is to fix the configuration of a new EVO:RAIL appliance that is preventing it from being deployed. As a hint, be sure to review the included documentation in the lab for guidance. The second challenge is to deploy a virtual machine and then clone it. This is a pretty straight forward task and there is no trickery involved. The final challenge is to scale out your existing EVO:RAIL deployment by adding an additional appliance. The main goal of this task is get you thinking about your initial EVO:RAIL deployment and how proper planning in the design stage is key.

If this wasn’t exciting enough, you can also earn Cloud Credibility points for taking the lab. If you aren’t familiar with Cloud Credibility, it is a game that’s lets you broaden your professional network and earn rewards and certifications. You earn points by learning and showing your knowledge about all things cloud related. With the points you earn, you can turn them into fantastic prizes! For more information and to sign up for a CloudCred account, you can visit the Cloud Credibility site.

I wanted to thank Mike Laverick and Judy Snow for sharing their knowledge on EVO:RAIL and assisting with the challenges. It gave me some wonderful insight into EVO:RAIL and this lab wouldn’t have been possible without their assistance. Also, a thank you to Noell Grier for her coordination in making this a CloudCred task. And lastly to all the VMware employees who devoted time in testing this. Your insight helped make this what I believe to be a truly awesome lab!

If you are ready to accept the challenge and test your EVO:RAIL skills, the direct link to the lab is here or you can find it in the new Challenge catalog entry in the Hands-on Lab portal.

Enjoy your lab!

via VMware Blogs