Tips to Enable or Disable Toast Notifications on Windows 8

Windows 8 is among the most incredible and interesting kind of Windows version from Microsoft. It has visually eye catching design, which is found in modern user interface that is meant for redesigning a number of operating systems, worked out for users. If you have used or seen someone using Windows 8 you could have noticed the toast notifications in this modern version of windows, which simply appears the moment you install or uninstall any application. There are many users who are well versed with the bubble notifications, which were found in the earlier versions of Windows seen via the task bar. The new application platform in Windows 8 comes with an integrated notification system for installing or uninstalling a number of modern applications.

Toast notification overview(windows Run time apps):

A toast notification is a transient message to the user that contains relevant, time-sensitive information and provides quick access to related content in an app. It can appear whether you are in another app, the Start screen, the lock screen, or on the desktop. Toasts should be viewed as an invitation to return to your app to follow up on something of interest. Toast notifications are an optional part of the app experience and are intended to be raised only when your app is not the active foreground app.
For your app to communicate through a toast notification, you must declare that it is Toast Capable in your app's manifest file. This action adds your app to the Notifications section of PC settings, from which the user can disable or enable toast notifications for your app at any time.
A toast notification can contain text, and toast notifications on Windows can contain images, but secondary actions such as buttons are not supported. A toast can also play a system-defined sound when it displays. On Windows, a toast notification appears in the upper-right corner of your screen (top-left corner for right-to-left (RTL) languages). On Windows Phone 8.1, a toast notification appears at the top of the screen. Toast notifications can be activated, dismissed, or ignored by the user. When a user taps or clicks the notification, the associated app is launched and the user can expect that the resulting view is related to the content of the notification. It is the only mechanism by which one app can interrupt a user in another app.
A toast notification should be used only for information of high interest to the user, typically involving some form of user opt-in. Therefore, it is a good choice for incoming IM chat requests, and information that the user has opted to receive. However, it is extremely important that when you consider using a toast notification, you must realize that, due to its transient nature, or because of the user's settings, the user might never see it. Toast is designed to be used in combination with badges, tile notifications, and in-app UI to keep the user informed of events or items of interest in your app.
Raising a toast notification is essentially the same as sending a tile notification: create an XML payload for a specific template and pass that payload to a manager object to display. A toast notification is visually distinct from a tile but the markup structure is nearly identical.

There are two types of toast notification:

  • Standard toast: Most developers should use the standard toast notification. This toast remains on the screen for seven seconds, playing a brief sound to alert the user when it appears. The standard toast is best for notifications such as an IM contact sign-in, or a social media update.

  • Long-duration toast: This notification looks the same as a standard toast but stays on the screen for 25 seconds and optionally can play longer, looping audio. This type of toast is used in situations where you want to grab the user's attention because there is a human waiting on the other end of the connection. This is appropriate for person-to-person communication like instant messages and VOIP calls. This type of toast can also be used for calendar reminders.
Steps for Enabling Toast Notifications:

The users have the option to receive the toast notifications by simply changing the PC settings found over the Office Scan client PC. This is the place where you have the option of enabling the toast notifications.

Step 1 ) If you are keen to enable the same, the first step you need to do is to move the pointer of your mouse at the right corner of your screen just at the bottom side so that you end up displaying the Charms bar.

Step 2 ) Once you carry out the first step, it’s time to move to the second, wherein you need to click at Settings and then to – “Change PC Settings” then you will see the PC Settings screen appearing before you.

Step 3 ) Once you are done with the second step, it’s time to head on to the third step wherein you need to click over the option called “Notifications”. The moment you click over this section, you are supposed to choose the “On button” so that you enable the Toast Notifications in your Windows 8 based computer system.

Step 4 ) This is the final step, wherein you have to choose on the option of “ON” to the three things. These include the “Show App Notifications”, “Play Notification Sounds” and the “Show Application Notifications” on the Lock Screen. The first one is mandatory while the last two are are optional and the choice to enable them is upto you.

**Final Word

Microsoft has come up with this feature only in the latest versions of Windows – the Windows 8. However, if you are using operating systems like Windows 7, Windows XP or Windows Vista then make sure you do not have this notification to bug you. In your initial days, you may find a bit difficult doing whole lot of these steps as discussed above, hence it is vital to jot down all these steps in your notepad and start doing it as and when you need them. Doing them several amount of times can enable you to remember the same.

Windows 8 is a new and the most modern kind of operating system and hence different than the previous versions. You need some time to get accustomed to the same before you start using them proficiently. This certainly includes the enabling and disabling of the Toast Notifications.