United States Military is ready to hire as cyber security specialist

Lt. General Edward C. Cardon, the head of ARCYBER, the United States Army’s cyber command wing has stated that the United States Military is planning to recruit civilian cyber security specialists for securing the military servers from cyber attacks which are exponentially increasing and pose a threat to the country’s defence computer systems and servers.

The announcement from Cardon further mentioned calling the new cyber security wing as Cyber Branch 17. This will launch a new career option for civilians who will get an opportunity to work with the United States Military. According to Cardon, it is important that the military must manage the recruitment process by making it more efficient in order to attract and retain new talent from the civilian space.

Currently most of the cyber security personnel are employed from within the army and recruitment process from among the civilians is very slow and inefficient. This severely affects the management of cyber security parameters since the military does not have the required talent and this further result in greater threats to the cyber security.

Cardon has highlighted that rather than recruiting from within the army and preserving the talent, it is more suited and efficient to hire civil cyber security experts. There are existing recruitment programs run by the National Security Agency (NSA), National Science Foundation and Office of Personnel Management.

Cardon stated that the military can make effective use of these existing frameworks to attract and retain good talent from among the civilians. It includes hiring them at decent salary and retention and relocation bonus options which will help these civilians to close their student loans without any hassles. These initiatives are necessary since the attacks in the cyber space have become more intensive and pose serious threats to the security and defence systems of major countries all over the world.

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