Dell organizes DWEN meet-up in Chennai

Dell has organized its Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network (DWEN) meet-up, for the first time in Chennai in the presence of 19 eminent women entrepreneurs who have established or have been instrumental in establishing entrepreneurial ventures in their respective fields. The event was designed such that the entrepreneurs were offered a platform to come together and collaborate to further contribute to the growth of what is already a nation-wide positive Indian women entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country. Dell has held several such networking meet-ups that increase the network of women entrepreneurs who come together periodically to share the lessons, mantras and successes achieved through their journeys.

Attendees at DWEN’s Chennai Chapter came together to hold a focussed group discussion around the theme, “Change, Inspire and Lead” to share with one another their experiences of being an entrepreneur, and how each of these words holds a unique relevance in their varied fields of business. The discussion focussed on experience-sharing and storytelling; to discover the experiences and measures that have resulted in success by embracing change, finding inspiration and taking the lead to spearhead the growth of a one’s business.

Ritu Gupta, Marketing Director, Consumer and Small Businesses, Dell India, said,

“Through DWEN, we aim to offer a ready platform for women entrepreneurs to come together to share ideas and best practices among themselves, so they can leave with a fresh perspective from each other’s dynamic fields of operation. We see an immense scope for growth of the Indian women entrepreneurship ecosystem in India and it is a pleasure to host our first event in Chennai, which ranks high in the start-up race and has witnessed a streak of successful start-ups in a variety of domains.”... See more