Facebook opens up Internet.org Platform

Facebook has introduced the Internet.org Platform, an open program for developers to easily create services that integrate with Internet.org. It is also giving people more choice over the free basic services they can use.

This is a move, according to Facebook, would boost efforts to get people online in low-income and rural areas in emerging markets. The move comes amid growing debate in India, home to the world’s third-largest population of internet users, over free access and net neutrality in the country.

“Our goal with Internet.org is to work with as many developers and entrepreneurs as possible to extend the benefits of connectivity to diverse, local communities. To do this, we are going to offer services through Internet.org in a way that is more transparent and inclusive,” commented Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Facebook.

At the core of its efforts with Internet.org are non-exclusive partnerships with mobile operators to offer free basic internet services to people through Internet.org. This is a set of basic websites and services to introduce people to the value of the internet. These websites are very simple and data efficient, so operators can offer these for free in an economically sustainable way. Websites do not pay to be included, and operators don’t charge developers for the data... See more