How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP

 How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP

XAMP 's  designers  intented  it  for  us  only  as a  development  tool,to  allow  website  designers  and  programmer  to  test  their  work  on  their  own  computer  without  any  access  to  the  internet. XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use – just download, extract and start.
 How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP first you need to know how   install XAMPP server, is just a simple tips and trick how to install the XAMPP for the beginner who just learning about php, mysql and apache.

What is xampp according to Wikipedia ?

xamp  is a free  and  open   source  cross platform web server  solution  stack package,consisting  mainly  of   the  Apache HTTP Server ,Mysql database,and interpreters  for  scripts  written  in  the  PHP and  perl  programming  language.


Step by step how to install Xampp in 5 steps: How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP

first of  all  download  xamp  server  from  here

step:2) after  downloading successfully  make  Double click on  the xamp  server installer, and choose your language to use for the installation process and click OK.( see bellow picture)

step:3) when you click okay a new pop  up window like  bellow picture  open,  simply Click Next to continue to the next step.

 How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP
step:3) now  In this step, you can choose where to put XAMPP installation directory. The default directory is in C:\XAMPP, but you can choose another location that suitable for you. Click next after finished.(see bellow picture)

 How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP

step:4)  In this step, by default the XAMPP will install a desktop icon and create a link in your start menu, but you can disable this if you want, but my reccomendation is you don't need to change this because after few time you need to  again do  that.simply click  on install button to  continue.

 How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP

In this step also there is SERVICE SECTION, this option will be used if you want your Apache, Mysql, or Filezilla automatically run in start up. If you want some of the service run on start up, you can tick it. In the picture below I didn't tick it, because I will run manually every time I need the service. When finish, click next and start the installation.

  when you click on instal  now your xamp  server  start  installing after few minutes  the installation progress finished,

 How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP

step:6) when your installation is  complete a new window  automatically  open  and  ask  you  to open  xamp  server simply if  you want  to start  xamp  server at  that time  simply  click on yes  button (see bellow  picture)

 How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP

step:7) This is the last step of the installation, the XAMPP control panel window which is look  like  bellow  picture . In this window you can view the Apache server state and MySQL server state. To start the service, first tick on appropriate boxes and just click the start button and the service will be started. (here I try only to  start the Apache and MySQL in this bellow picture).

 How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP

IMPORTENT:  now  this  is  the  right  time To check whether everything already running good which you  expect  or  not ,for  this simply  open your browser ( any  browser ie: Mozilla or chromo ) and type http://localhost/xampp/   you have  successfully  installed  xamp  server  when congratulations  XAMPP window open like  bellow picture .

 How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP

note:  if  you   have  not  able  to  open  window  like  above  picture  ,this  is  make  sure  that  your computer port 80 is free and not in use. if  you  dont know how  to  check  it  simply open  command  prompt (cmd)  and type netstat -an and  hit  enter To check whether port 80 used or not .

convert your computer in web server to host webpages

step8:) in order to check you local hosting is accessible publically then use your public or external ip address and put it in browser address bar and hit enter you will a message " access forbidden " ( see bellow screenshot)

 How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP

 step:9) you have to edit " httpd-xamp.conf " file for this just go to drive:\xamp\apache\conf\extra\ htpd-xamp.conf " and open it using notepad and delete " deny from all " and save it.( see bellow picture)
 How to convert your computer in webserver to host webpages for free using XAMPP

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