Part 4 – How to Prevent Phishing: Setting up WiFi and Instant Messaging Protections

If you’ve ever been “phished,” you’ve experienced the dangers of receiving phony emails, downloaded files, instant messages, or links to false websites masquerading as real ones—all designed to steal your data, your identity, or most likely, your money.

You need to be vigilant to not fall for these scams, but vigilance is not enough these days. You need the help of top-notch security software, such as Trend Micro Security. Its sophisticated anti-phishing technologies can help protect you from being scammed.

In this four part “Protect Your Net” series, I’ll teach you how to set up Trend Micro Internet Security, Maximum Security, or Premium Security to optimize your protection against phishing. Specifically, I’ll provide instructions for setting up the following features, with the topic for the week highlighted in bold:

  • Data Theft Protection
  • Web Threat Protection
  • Antispam in Client Email
  • WiFi and Instant Messaging Protection

In this final part in the series, we’ll set up the WiFi and instant messaging protections in Trend Micro Security. Using WiFi protection, you can receive on-the-go warnings when you try to connect to potentially dangerous hotspots. Using instant messaging protection, Trend Micro Security will check for security risks in links to websites received via the Yahoo or AOL instant messaging programs.

1. Double-click the Trend Micro Security icon on your desktop or in your system tray to load the Trend Micro Security Console.



2. Click the Settings The Password screen appears.


3. Enter your Password and click OK. The Protection Settings screen appears, with Scan Preferences selected by default.

4. Select Internet & Email Controls, then Network to open the panel. The Network settings screen appears.


5. Notice that the Firewall Booster is already enabled by default. The Firewall Booster provides a network content inspection/vulnerability exploit scan, an intrusion detection system, and a proactive anti-botnet function to enhance what is provided in the Windows Firewall, so leave this feature enabled.

6. Check the checkbox that says Display a warning when connected to potentially unsafe wireless networks or hotspots to see a warning if you connect to a wireless network without trustworthy security credentials; then click Apply to apply your settings.

Only password-protected wireless networks are considered safe. Wireless networks that redirect your connection without encryption are risky. Wireless networks that do not have an authentication process or a valid security certificate are ranked by Trend Micro as dangerous.

Instant Messaging

Trend Micro Security adds an additional layer of protection for instant messaging, checking for security risks in links to websites received via instant messaging (IM) programs. With IM protection, if you click a link to a bad website, you’re blocked from going to the website and given a warning.

To install the IM protection, you first need to install the IM program(s) you’ll be using. The installation button for the installed IM program(s) will then become active in the Trend Micro Security interface.

Trend Micro Security supports the following instant messaging program and versions:

  • Yahoo!® Messenger 8.0, 8.1, 9.0, 10.0, and 11.5
  • AOL® Instant Messenger™ (AIM®) 6.8, and 6.9


In the instructions below, Yahoo! Messenger has already been installed.

1. Back in the Protection Settings > Internet & Email Controls screen, select Instant Messaging. The Instant Messaging protection screen appears.



2. Check the checkbox Check for security risks in links to websites received via instant messaging programs.

3. In the Yahoo! Messenger section, click Install. After installation, a pop-up appears, indicating Installation Completed.



4. Click OK to close the pop-up.

5. Instant Messaging protection for Yahoo! Messenger is Enabled by default. You will now see ratings for links received when chatting with Yahoo Messenger.



6. Click Apply to apply your settings, then OK to close the Trend Micro Security Protection Settings

Congratulations on finishing this four-part PROTECT YOUR NET series! By using Trend Micro Security and customizing its settings, you are now well-protected against phishing scams.

For more information on Trend Micro Security software, go to the following website:

For a video outlining these tutorials, go to the following YouTube link:

I work for Trend Micro and any opinions expressed here are my own.

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