Testing New Cinnamon

It's been a while since i work on my Cinnamon SlackBuild (CSB) project. The main reason why it stayed idle was because it requires newer version of the libraries that are not yet available in Slackware.

Since -current has big changes and most of the libraries were upgraded during the big batch, i wanted to try the latest Cinnamon on top of -Current. So i spend my time today to try to rebuild Cinnamon from scratch. I'm using latest -current update as base along with some packages from SBo and MSB, so there could be some pollution, but it would be minimum.

I found some new dependencies compared to the old cinnamon so i had to build a new SlackBuild script or take from SBo if there exist one (less work). At the end, i managed to build Cinnamon 2.4.x along with all of the components on my computer. There was some runtime issue when i tried to ran startx to try the new Cinnamon, but i managed to get it fixed, thanks to Clem (creator of Cinnamon and maintainer of LinuxMint) on IRC.

For those who wanted to try, please clone my CSB github repository and switch to development branch. From there, you can run build-cinnamon.sh script which is used to build all packages according to the BUILD ORDER. I do not provide binary packages until next Slackware gets released since -current is a moving target and things may change during development cycle.

please let me know if you find any problems. Any suggestions are welcome :)

Here are some screenshots of the latest Cinnamon in action: