Trend Micro Premium Security Wins Network World Review

Network World recently did a review of 7 vendors who have been delivering security solutions since the 1990s. Titled, Old-school antivirus vendors learn new tricks, is intended to identify if these vendors are able to detect today’s more sophisticated threats.

“The winner in our testing was Trend Micro Premium Security, which has one of the best overall packages for building a defense-in-depth across multiple devices. It was one of only two packages to catch 100% of exploits, with no false positives. And it has an easy to use interface, a quick install process, and a huge maintenance suite of helpful programs. (Watch a slideshow version of this test.)”

One of the criticisms long-time vendors like ourselves (27 years in business) receive is our traditional security technologies are unable to protect users today. This is far from the truth and an inaccurate portrayal of today’s high-powered security suites and Network World showed this in their review. The reality is Trend Micro, while being old-school, has had to innovate every year for 27 years in order to continue to keeping pace with the threat actors who continuously try to infect our customers. The truth is also that experience is a valuable commodity in understanding how threats work and our engineers and developers have many, many years analyzing threats in order to develop the best technologies to defend against them.

“Trend Micro Premium Security has one of the best overall packages for building a defense in depth across multiple devices.”

Defense in depth has been something we’ve promoted over the years and as the threat landscape has changed with new tools and tactics used by cybercriminals, we’ve had to add additional capabilities to deal with these threats. Some of the key features mentioned by Network World that have benefited our customers are:

  • Web Reputation: Most threats today come from the web, and as such blocking the threat at this source is an efficient way to protect our customers. Today we check 8B URLs per day and through our big data analysis identify 25,000 malicious URLs per day. From this we blocked 9M malicious URLs per day our customers were attempting to visit in Q1’2015. Also mentioned in the report is our anti-phishing which includes this technology for emails with embedded malicious links.
  • Social Media Protection: Most users are using social media sites and criminals know this and exploit this activity. We added technology to check any links within their social media applications to block those that are malicious. We’ve also added privacy and security scanning of some of the major social media apps to check if the users settings are rigorous enough to ensure they are protected.
  • Other protection technologies we’ve added to ensure our customers the best coverage against threats today.

Behavior Monitoring: Real-time analysis of files during execution to identify malicious files based on behavior

Browser Exploit Prevention: Heuristic rule-based protection used during browser access to sites that may host exploits

Memory Inspection: Detecting malware that uses memory to hide itself

Command & Control (C&C) Detection: Most cybercriminals today set up a C&C to ensure they stay communicated with infected machines. We’ve added detection of this communications to alert the user of infection

Trend Micro has continuously innovated with new technology over the years and as I stated before, this is a necessity, not a nice to have. The Trend Micro™ Smart Protection Network™, which powers our solutions, uses many other technologies which you can find here. This translates into superior protection for our customers as evidence by this recent Network World review, but also by many of the testing labs we participate in each year. You can find those results here.

The challenge with adding all of these new technologies may lead many to believe that we’ve had to sacrifice performance, but our engineers are able to ensure our software is fast and won’t cause undo drag on the system. From the report:

“In terms of scanning, the Trend Micro product is also one of the fastest that was tested. A full scan on a test desktop system often took between two and three minutes less than with other programs. For Android devices, the scanning normally took less than a minute, and the speedier scan times didn’t hurt its accuracy.”

Trend Micro is proud to have received Network World’s endorsement of Premium Security as the best solution over our peers in the industry, and we will continue to strive to improve our protection as the threat landscape changes. This is something you can be assured of based on our 27 year history.

Please add your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter; @jonlclay.

from Trend Micro Simply Security