Elite Niche Research Step-by-Step (+Images Included)

What's up community ?
In this tutorial i'm going to show you exactly how to research your main keyword that you're trying to dominate with.
Alot of peoples jump into a niche before they research it or they research it but they don't do it correctly as they should and soon they see their self not succeeding.

After reading this tutorial , i'm pretty sure you will succeed everytime that you try to rank for a keyword.

I've learned it from another forum and I replaced the images with my own ones to make it easier for newbies.

As for the name , I called this tutorial Elite Niche Research , it doesn't have to do anything with Elite Earners .. I just called it like that because It it full detailed and very well represented.

Step 1) Go to Google Adwords Keyword Tool and type your main keyword
[Image: k0k1dv.jpg]Now see how many Global Monthly Searches there are , I would suggest one that has at least 10k Global Monthly Searches.
Step 2) Go to Google Homepage
[Image: jku7np.jpg]
Step 3) Now add &start=900 at the end of address bar, this will show you how much pages there are .. related with that keyword.
[Image: dlggno.jpg]
Step 4) Insert intitle: ''your keyword'' and press search, this will show you how much pages have done SEO for that keyword or/and how much of them have that keyword in the title of their page
[Image: 29c083r.jpg]
Step 5) Insert inurl:''your keyword'' and press search, this will show you how much competitiors have put that keyword in their url.
[Image: 2e1hfza.jpg]
Now I must say that you're done ..
If you follow all Images and words as I explained, i'm 100% that you will succeed.

I know many peoples were complaining that SEO is ''very hard'' for them.
SEO is a process that takes time but if you want a long-time income then do SEO.