Fuddly: Fuzzing And Data Manipulation Framework

Fuddly: Fuzzing And Data Manipulation Framework

List of features

Graph-based data model that enables:

  • To represent complex data formats and also to mix them
  • complex data manipulations
  • to dissect/absorb existing data
  • generation & mutation fuzzing strategy

Fuzzing automation framework:

  • Target abstraction
  • Monitoring means based on independant probes
  • Replay & logging
  • Data manipulation based on disruptors (objects that implement specific data transformation)
  • Virtual operator abstraction

What's still missing
  • Documentation
  • refer to TODO file


Don't forget to populate ./imported_data/ with sample files for data models that need it.

  • Compatible with Python2 and Python3
  • Mandatory: six: Python 2/3 compatibility
  • Optional: xtermcolor: terminal color support
  • cups: Python bindings for libcups
  • rpyc: Remote Python Call (RPyC), a transparent and symmetric RPC library


Suggestion: Read more about FUZZING