how to compile & execute c/c++ programs in windows using borland c++ compiler.

how to compile & execute c/c++ programs in windows using borland c++ compiler.

hello friends,

Today i am going to make a section where i give you  all  programming article like how to hack a computer or how o make a Trojan using c language . I have used specially C as the programming language for writing the programs.So for this you need to prepare for how to execute c source code ,don't worry this is my first article in programming niche and try to teach you all clear step  by step procedure . If you're new to C programming and find it difficult to compile the C source codes then this post is for you.In this post i'm going to explain you how to compile c program easily.Here i used borland c++ compiler to execute the source code.I know there are lot of article exits on the internet which claim how to compile c program but I also know all have some error ,i was also suffering from these type of error .due to this problem i post very clear step by step guidance to teach you how you can easily execute c program with the help of borland c++ compiler.

What is borland c++  compiler:

Borland C++ is a C and C++ programming environment (that is, an integrated development environment) for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows. It was the successor to Turbo C++, and included a better debugger, the Turbo Debugger, which was written in protected mode DOS.

Step-by-step procedure to install Borland C++ compiler 5.5 on your PC and compile the C programs.

Step:1) first of all you need to install  Borland C++ compiler?you can download it from below link

< (for Windows platform only)

Step:2) After you download, simply run the file C++5.51.exe. and click next ,its default installation path would be:
" C:\Borland\BCC55 "


install borland c++ compiler

how to install borland
Step:3) now when you have installed it successfully on your PC this time you need to configure Borland C++ compiler for this you need to make two .cfg files ?Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to configure the compiler and how to make .cfg files:

  • a) open notepad or any text editor here i am going to use notepad and past below code as it is and save it with the name bcc32.cfg


how to compile & execute c/c++ programs in windows using borland c++ compiler.


how to compile & execute c/c++ programs in windows using borland c++ compiler.

  • b) now again open blank notepad and past below code as it is and save it with the name ilink32.cfg



how to compile & execute c/c++ programs in windows using borland c++ compiler.

how to compile & execute c/c++ programs in windows using borland c++ compiler.

  • c) now you have two files

  • d) Now copy these two files bcc32.cfg and ilink32.cfg, and past them in the following location.


Step:4) After that step 3  you configure borland c++ successfully on your pc , this time you would need to know How to Compile the C Source Code (.C files) using borland.
Here is a detailed instruction on how to compile C source codes:
  • a) first of all You need to place the .C (something.c) file to be compiled in the following location:

  • b) Now go to the command prompt (Start->Run->type cmd->Enter)

  • c) In command prompt you need to type following line without the quotes and hit enter button of your keyboard.
                             " cd/ "

how to compile & execute c/c++ programs in windows using borland c++ compiler.
  • d) now again type the following line without the quotes and hit enter button of your keyboard.

                     " cd C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin "


how to compile & execute c/c++ programs in windows using borland c++ compiler.
  • e) again To compile the file (something.c) use the following command without the quotes and hit enter.

                    " bcc32 something.c "

how to compile & execute c/c++ programs in windows using borland c++ compiler.
  • f) Now if there exists no error in the source code, you'll get a compiled executable module (something.exe) in the same following location

Note: please insure that open something.exe file in administrator mode otherwise some function not work properly.
  • g) Now you have successfully compiled the source code into an executable file(.exe file).

Extra tips  for you:--

1) if you faced a problem during compile the c program or it gives you the error like " unable to open include file 'stdio.h' also for all header files " in this situation you need to reinstall the borland c++ compiler and configure it correctly as it is shown in above steps. 

2) if you faced warning instead of error don't worry check your c program syntax otherwise simply ignore less valuable warning

NOTE: please insure that The above tutorial how to compile c program using borland c++ compiler  assumes that you've installed the Borland c++ compiler onto the C: drive (by default) .

That's it ,this is overall step by step procedure to compile any c program using borland c++ compiler.

I hope you enjoy my first article if you faced any problem feel free drop your comment in below comment box.

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