Install Font Manager 0.7.2 on Ubuntu / Linux Mint via PPA

Install Font Manager 0.7.2 on Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet, ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) and Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca, Linux Mint 17 Qiana via PPA

Font Manager is intended to provide a way for average users to easily manage desktop fonts, without having to resort to command line tools or editing configuration files by hand. While designed primarily with the Gnome Desktop Environment in mind, it should work well with other Gtk+ desktop environments.

Features that are expected to work at this time:

Migration of fonts and collections from the previous version

Font Previews

Enabling / Disabling Fonts

Creating / Deleting / Enabling / Disabling of Font Collections

Font Installation
- By drag and drop (Preferred method)
- By using the file selector

Note : Drag and drop should allow installation of not only individual font files but also entire directories and archives. The file selector unfortunately will not allow selection of directories.

Font removal

Font directory monitoring
Note : Font Manager should reload itself anytime fonts are installed or removed either through the application or any other method.

Font Sources

Adding / Removing font folders.
Note : Fonts in these folders should be available for preview in the application even if they are not enabled system wide.

Missing / Planned features :

Help contents

Character map details viewer

Database search

FontConfig editor
- session-wide settings
- per font settings
- aliases (low priority)

Exporting Collections
- proof sheet
- html?


Some themes do not render as intended. This is a problem with the theme.
Unless the issue also occurs when using Adwaita, or most other themes...

Install Font Manager 0.7.2 on Ubuntu / Linux Mint via PPA

to install Font Manager 0.7.2 on Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet, ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) and Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca, Linux Mint 17 Qiana via PPA, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:font-manager/staging
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install font-manager
to remove, do :
sudo apt-get remove font-manager

Good Luck !!