The Top 16 Artificial Intelligence Used By Hollywood - Mithilesh Joshi

Since Fritz Lang gave us ‘false Maria’ in 1927’s landmark sci-fi film Metropolis, robots have terrified and fascinated moviegoers in equal measure.
With the release of Alex Garland’s Ex Machina, Michael Hogan picks his top 20 films (in no particular order); including Star Wars, The Terminator, Star Trek and Blade Runner; that star A.I. beings who have challenged what it means to be human.

1Ex Machina
‘There is nothing more human than the will to survive.’ Alex Garland’s chilling directorial debut, out 23 January, sees young coder Domhnall Gleeson win a week’s holiday at his reclusive boss’s mountain retreat – only to find he must participate in a strange experiment by evaluating the human qualities of a breathtaking new breed of AI, housed in the body of beautiful robot girl Ava, played by Alicia Vikander.
Human-like rating: 8/10;
Photograph: FILM4/Allstar

2.Star Wars
‘Don’t call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease!’ Thirty-eight years ago two bickering androids played a vital role in George Lucas’s space opera. The golden humanoid and beeping wheelie bin provide comic relief and are the only characters to appear in all seven films so far. They’ll be back in cinemas in December.
Human-like rating: 3/10;
Photograph: Lucasfilm/Allstar


Spike Jonze’s sci-fi romcom sees Joaquin Phoenix star as the brilliantly named Theodore Twombly, a lonely writer who falls in love with Samantha – a hyper-intelligent computer operating system with accelerated learning capabilities, personified through a Siri-like female voice (Scarlett Johansson). Romance blossoms, leaving the audience slightly disquieted by our love of gadgets.
Human-like rating: 7/10;
Photograph: Warner Broc/Allstar

4.The Terminator
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s defining role remains the cyborg assassin sent back in time from 2029 to kill Sarah Connor before she can give birth to the saviour of humanity. The Cyberdyne Systems T-800 Model 101 has living tissue over a metal endoskeleton, designed for combat and infiltration. He’ll be back in summer’s fifth instalment, Terminator Genisys.
Human-like rating: 9/10;
Photograph: Absolute Film Archive

5.A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Adapting Brit sci-fi author Brian Aldiss’s short story Super-Toys Last All Summer Long was an unrealised project of Stanley Kubrick that he passed on to Steven Spielberg. David (an unblinking Haley Joel Osment) is a prototype ‘Mecha’ advanced cybertronic humanoid capable of projecting love. A Pinocchio parable followed, with Spielberg adding trademark sweetness to Kubrick’s bleaker vision.
Human-like rating: 9/10;
Photograph: Warner Bros/Allstar
6.The Matrix
‘Never send a human to do a machine’s job.’ The Wachowski brothers’ cyberpunk action classic was set in a grim future where intelligent machines had enslaved mankind, keeping us subdued with a simulated reality called the Matrix. Dark-suited, sunglasses-sporting ‘Agents’ – actually powerful, sentient AI programmes – patrolled the Matrix, led by Hugo Weaving’s snarlingly villainous Agent Smith. They suppressed human rebellion by dodging bullets and punching through concrete.
Human-like rating: 8/10;
Photograph: Warner Bros/Allstar


7.The Machine
In last year’s indie Brit future-noir thriller, we were in the midst of a cold war with China. Computer scientist Toby Stephens created a self-aware, fully conscious cyborg for the Ministry Of Defence. Intended as a super-soldier, smooth blonde Machine turned out to be more human and moral than anyone expected. ‘I’m part of the new world,’ it impassively told its creator. ‘And you’re part of the old.’
Human-like rating: 8/10;
Photograph: Capital Pictures

8.The Day the Earth Stood Still
‘Klaatu barada nikto!’ In this classic slice of black-and-white sci-fi, alien Klaatu and his super-robot Gort visited Earth with a warning: humans must live peacefully or be destroyed as a danger to other planets. Made of greenish metal, silent, near-motionless and firing energy rays from beneath his visor, Gort was played by 7ft 7in Lock Martin, an usher at Mann’s Chinese Theatre.
Human-like rating: 3/10;
Photograph: Alamy


Christopher Nolan’s epic saw the astronauts about circular ship Endurance joined by quadrilateral robots TARS (pictured) and CASE – lookalikes for the monolith from 2001. TARS sacrificed itself to collect vital data but was rescued and reunited with Matthew McConaughey, with whom it shared a man-machine bromance. Well, with McConaughey’s chiselled looks, who wouldn’t?
Human-like rating: 2/10;
Photograph: PR


10.I, Robot
Inspired by the Isaac Asimov short story collection of the same name, this Will Smith blockbuster was set in 2035, where a technophobic Chicago cop suspected that an anthropomorphic servant droid called Sonny had gone rogue and pushed its owner to his death from a 50th floor window. A full robot uprising soon resulted. Any resemblance between heartless, blue-eyed, blank-faced Sonny and PM David Cameron is purely coincidental.
Human-like rating: 7/10;
Photograph: 20 Century Fox./Allstar

Fritz Lang’s expressionist sci-fi epic has influenced everything from Superman to Blade Runner, while ‘false Maria’ – the robot double of the peasant girl prophet in Berlin 2026, which unleashes chaos among the city’s workers and is ultimately burnt at the stake as a witch – was the first robot depicted on film and inspired the art deco look of C-3PO in Star Wars.
Human-like rating: 8/10;
Photograph: Paramount/Allstar

Police officer Peter Weller was murdered by a criminal gang but revived by malevolent mega-corporation Omni Consumer Products as a superhuman cyborg law enforcer. Inspired by Blade Runner and Judge Dredd, with a steel suit modelled on ice hockey gear, he clumped around dystopian Detroit, cleaning up the streets – but was haunted by buried memories from his human life. It’s a fair cyber-cop, guv.
Human-like rating: 6/10;
Photograph: Orion/Allstar

This Disney CGI milestone sees hacker Jeff Bridges get digitised and beamed into The Grid – the 3D world of a rogue mainframe, where he has to compete in martial arcade games to get back out. Against a backlit setting, characters throw illuminated frisbees, drive ‘lightcycles’ and do all manner of futuristic cyber-stuff. Its special effects were disqualified from the Oscars because in 1982 the academy felt using computers was cheating.
Human-like rating: 4/10;
Photograph: Disney/Allstar


14.Short Circuit
‘Number 5 is alive.’ Cutesy creation Johnny 5 was an experimental US military robot which got struck by lightning, gained a sense of free will and escaped. The child-like, ET-esque machine developed human-like intelligence when Ally Sheedy gave him access to books, TV and other stimuli to satisfy his constant craving for ‘input’. Those tank tracks and camera lens eyes were fooling nobody, though.
Human-like rating: 2/10;
Photograph: Tristar/Allstar

15.Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
‘I didn’t ask to be made.’ In the film of Douglas Adams’ comic novel, Marvin The Paranoid Android (voiced by Alan Rickman, with Warwick Davis inside the costume, here seen talking with Zooey Deschanel) was the morose robot aboard starship The Heart Of Gold, depressed because he was rarely given a chance to use his planet-sized brain. The best conversation he ever had was 40m years ago. With a coffee machine.
Human-like rating: 4/10;
Photograph: Disney/Allstar

J.A.R.V.I.S. was created by Tony to assist him on his tasks, and to keep him company in his high-tech house.

Iron Man
Basic Duties
J.A.R.V.I.S. assists Tony Stark around his laboratory, automating everything from calculations relating to his medical needs to suit mechanics. He also acts as an interactive system for Stark to interface with his many suits, operating them independently on command. J.A.R.V.I.S. functions as an interface for handling any number of technological tasks; In Iron Man 2 and The Avengers, he is deployed by Stark to infiltrate various networks, including those of Congress, Hammer Industries and S.H.I.E.L.D. As an advanced A.I., he is also capable of learning basic instructions and tasks assigned by Stark, in addition to independent functions that allow him to improvise tasks perceived to be in the best interest of Stark.

Iron Man 2
In Iron Man 2, J.A.R.V.I.S. has access to security-related devices, such as a passcode to prevent intruders from entering the basement, when James Rhodes is attempting to access his Hall of Armors and don the Mark II to stop Tony.

Afterwards, he assists Tony in creating the new element called Vibranium.

The Avengers
J.A.R.V.I.S. first appears to inform Tony that Agent Coulson is looking for him. Later, he turns off Stark Tower's Arc Reactor but warns Tony that the Tesseract is now self-sustaining.

He also warns that the Mark VII is incomplete several times when Tony decides to wear the armor as a Plan B after failing to stop the Tesseract. He helps guide Tony through the battle and tries to call Pepper when Tony launches the nuke on the Chitauri flagship.

Iron Man 3
Sometime before the events of Iron Man 3, JARVIS' operating system was upgraded to Version J.04, which improved much of J.A.R.V.I.S.' abilities, as well as his interface.

J.A.R.V.I.S. appears to assist Tony in testing the Mark 42 and with the help of Harley Keener, locates "The Mandarin" for Tony. He activates the "House Party Protocol" during the final battle, piloting all of Tony's armors in battle against the Extremis Soldiers.

He sends Tony several suits to use and aids Rhodey by using one of the suits to fly him to the President. J.A.R.V.I.S. brings the repaired Mark 42 in to help fight and activates its self-destruct in a failed attempt to kill Killian on Tony's orders.

He nearly kills Pepper with the Mark IX suit after her exposure to Extremis is discovered, but Pepper takes down the suit with her new powers and uses its parts to kill Killian. Afterwards, he destroys all the armors, by the order of the "Clean Slate Protocol", resulting in fireworks, as a sign of devotion by Tony to Pepper Potts.

Avengers: Age of Ultron
HYDRA Base Raid
JARVIS helped the Avengers in raiding the Hydra base in Sokovia.

Working on Ultron
After the raid the on the Hydra base, JARVIS was in the Avengers Tower when the rest of the Avengers returned from their mission. Tony conversed with JARVIS in their workplace and greeted Dr. Banner. Tony asked JARVIS to analyze the scepter and the mystery of the blue gem attached to it, to which JARVIS responded back saying that it contained a translatable code, and that the gem was housing something powerful within, as well as implying that it was comparable to a program.

After his initial analysis, JARVIS insisted that he continued working on the gem until he finished translating the "A.I." into code for Tony to see. The data was later shown to Tony, and amazed by the results, showed it to Bruce Banner, making the latter agree to keep their findings a secret from the Avengers and continue working on the A.I., as well as use it to finishing creating their peacekeeping program, Ultron.

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