Trend Micro Achieves 100% Detection in AV-Comparatives Real-World May Test

AV-Comparatives are one of the most respected testing organizations in the world and regularly will test security solutions through many different types of tests. One of their tests is the Real-World Protection Test which identifies whether a solution can detect a threat sample introduced across several layers of protection capabilities. By testing samples introduced from real-world infection sources, the solutions are able to block the threats at multiple layers. The exposure layer is a very effective option to block since most threats today are introduced via the Internet. Our web/domain reputation and browser exploit prevention technology regularly blocks the majority of threats at this layer. But, if something should get through, we can block at the infection layer using multiple technologies like signatures, behavior monitoring, and community file reputation. By integrating all of these layered technologies within our consumer solution, we’re able to detect at a very high rate.

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In the May 2015 Real-World Protection test by AV-Comparatives, Trend Micro achieved the highest protection rate of 100%. We also achieved this in their April 2015 test too. You can see all the 2015 test results at their interactive chart site.

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Doing well in one test is not a good indicator of the overall effectiveness of the solution or the vendor. Trend Micro has been participating in their test for many years now and our scores across these years shows our leadership in protecting against real-world threats compared to our 19 peers. Below you can see the average results for 2013, 2014, and the 2015.

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We’re proud of our long standing leadership results and the continuous innovation we’re known for allow us to ensure our customers that they are protected from new threats. Besides AV-Comparatives, we work closely with other well respected testing labs like AV-Test, Opus One, and NSS Labs. Results from these vendors’ tests can be found on our Competitive Benchmark webpage. We will continue to look for ways to improve our solutions as new threats are introduced by threat actors and strive to maintain our leadership results with AV-Comparatives

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from Trend Micro Simply Security