Fifteen million reasons to say "thank you"!

This morning (or this evening, if you are basking in the Pacific moonlight) the IPKat's weblog recorded its 15 millionth page view, which works out at a little more than a million a year since the Kat started his IP blogging exploits in 2003.

Both the IPKat and Merpel would like once again to express their sincerest gratitude to all their readers, contributors and commentators for helping the blog to reach this milestone.  Thanks are also owing to those heroes and villains whose exploits, whether in court, in legislative chambers, in the marketplace or elsewhere, have been sufficiently memorable to make them worth commenting on.

This Kat would just like to add that being at the operational centre of this weblog, which is a team effort, is an exhilarating and often quite scary experience. He knows quite how much goes on behind the scenes, how much correspondence is received and processed, how many queries are answered or redirected, how many threats are parried, and how many photos of readers' cats are gratefully acknowledged.  From where he sits, the view of the intellectual property community is a remarkably complex and interdependent one. It is also a community of which he is immensely proud to be an active member.