MarTech Europe Lowest Rates Expire Friday. Register Now!


Don’t miss out on MarTech Europe, THE conference for professionals at the intersection of marketing and IT. Register today for alpha rates, the lowest offered.

The agenda features 20+ TED-style presentations covering strategic, managerial and implementation challenges that our speakers and their organisations overcame. Here are just a few examples:

  • Marketing To An Audience Of One: SAP discusses how it used marketing technology to create 5-star, engaging customer experiences;
  • Juniper Networks’ Journey To Integrated Digital Marketing Campaigns: delves into how people and process are integral to successful implementation of an advanced marketing automation and tracking platform;
  • The Uber-isation Of Your Business Model — Are You Prepared?: The Hager Group describes how an ideal balance of marketing and IT made them the leader in the “smart home” industry.

Alpha Rates Expire Friday
Join us at MarTech for two intense days of sessions, keynotes and networking about technology-powered marketing. Register now and save £300. Hurry! These lowest rates expire this Friday, 31 July.

MarTech is an ideal experience for executive and marketing management, marketing operations and IT staff to share. And it’s an outstanding value when you take advantage of our discounted team rates of 15%-25%.

Register today!

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