Pluto Google Logo Anticipates New Horizons Journey To Far Edge Of Our Solar System
Google is waiting in anticipation with the rest of the world as NASA’s New Horizons space probe makes its way to the edge of our solar system, scheduled to complete its close flyby of Pluto Tuesday at 7:49 a.m. EDT.
Google has already posted an animated logo to mark the occasion and celebrate the space probe’s nine-year long journey, traveling more than three-billion miles.
Designed by doodler Kevin Laughlin, the New Horizons Pluto Flyby doodle has been shared on Google’s homepages across the globe, and links to a search for “Pluto.”
While we won’t be able to view photos of Pluto until later this week, scientist have already confirmed it is much larger than they thought.
You can keep up with the latest news from the mission on NASA’s YouTube channel:
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