Snitch: A Tool For Information Gathering Via Dorks
Snitch: A Tool For Information Gathering Via Dorks.
Snitch is a tool which automate information gathering process for specified domain. Using build-in dork categories, this tool helps gather specified information's domain which can be found using web search engines. It can be quite useful in early phases of pentest.
devil@hell:~/snitch$ python
_ __ __
_________ (_) /______/ /_
/ ___/ __ \/ / __/ ___/ __ \
(__ ) / / / / /_/ /__/ / / /
/____/_/ /_/_/\__/\___/_/ /_/ ~0.3
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-U [url], --url=[url]
domain(s) or domain extension(s) separated by comma*
-D [type], --dork=[type]
dork type(s) separated by comma*
-C [dork], --custom=[dork]
custom dork*
-O [file], --output=[file]
output file
-S [ip:port], --socks=[ip:port]
socks5 proxy
-I [seconds], --interval=[seconds]
interval between requests, 2s by default
-P [pages], --pages=[pages]
pages to retrieve, 10 by default
-v turn on verbosity
Dork types:
- info Information leak & Potential web bugs
- ext Sensitive extensions
- docs Documents & Messages
- files Files & Directories
- soft Web software
- all All