Fixing Windows 10 glitches

The latest version of the Windows operating system, Windows 10 is now available to the users in over 190 countries. This version promises to be way better than any of the previous versions and especially Windows 8 which was a disaster for Microsoft. Windows 10, as claimed by Microsoft will be the last version of the Windows and the users in future will receive updates for their operating system. Earlier Microsoft would release a new version of the Windows every 3 to 4 years; but Windows 10, as claimed by the company will be the last one.

Microsoft is providing free updates to Windows 10 for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 users. These users can upgrade their OS anytime during the next one year. So far those who have used Windows 10 are happy with it and have generally reported a good performance. Microsoft released the beta version last year and since then beta testers reported bugs that were fixed by Microsoft.

Despite this, there a few glitches in Windows 10. For one, it in some cases rejects third party drivers and automatically updates drivers that are already installed. This is creating problems to some extent. The possible solution to this is to allow Windows 10 to update or replace the drivers with other compatible drivers. Another option is to wait for a couple of months before you upgrade to Windows 10 so that Microsoft can rectify this error.

Another chink in the armour for Windows 10 is the sharing of the encrypted Wi Fi passwords over social media sites such as Facebook, Skype and Outlook. To avoid this, users can go to Wi Fi settings and then to Network settings and check off all the boxes under this setting. This will disallow any access to password sharing.