Never too late: if you missed the IPKat last week ...

With regular updater Alberto Bellan remains out of action on account of the continuation of his well-earned holiday, this week's round-up of the previous week's substantive Katposts comes again from IPKat blogmeister Jeremy. Last week was not quite as hectic as its predecessor, but still quite busy enough if you need to catch up on what you've missed. 

The two most popular posts from last week are the AmeriKat's revelation of the identity of the site which London is making available for its division of the Unified Patent Court and Darren's post on some tricky questions on partial priority and 'poisonous provisions' which an Enlarged Board of the European Patent Office's Board of Appeal will have to address.  Most popular non-patent posts are from Jani on registrability of parody trade marks in Australia and Roland Mallinson's guest feature on why the 3D Kit Kat chocolate finger shape may well be registrable as a trade mark in the UK after all.

Last week's posts (apart from round-ups) read like this:
When does a fundamental deficiency not lead to remittal? Decision from the EPO Board of Appeal

It seems that a decision might be unreasoned -- and therefore fundamentally deficient -- but not unreasonable. Darren explains why proceedings before the EPO can be such fun, if you are not a litigant.

Benedict Cumberbatch and all those naughty theatre goers: can performers' rights be of any help?

The IPKat weblog's theatre correspondent Eleonora reviews divergent sentiments concerning the need of mobile device owners to record what they're watching rather than take the trouble to experience it first-hand.

Rime and reason? Fashion flare-up over vandal-eyes'd graffiti

This guest post by Emma Perot introduces readers to the seamy world where celebrity style intersects with spray-paint signage.

BREAKING: Jack the Ripper, Victorian Pubs & Curry: Welcome to London's UPC location & UPC Industry Coalition's conduct-based court fees

Annsley the AmeriKat shocks readers with news of the location of a court which, if the UK edges out of the European Union, may never be used for its chosen purpose ...

Cool, confident and healthy

Nicola the Katonomist demonstrates her mastery of wearable keep-fit technology and the struggle of Jawbone, Fitbit and others to seize control of this lucrative, patent-rich market.

Partial Priority - questions for the Enlarged Board now revealed

Darren runs us through the big issues facing an Enlarged Board of the EPO Boards of Appeal when it considers poisonous priority and other exciting nightmares facing patent applicants in Europe.

Who knew planning permission could be so exciting? Plans for London's UPC courtroom

Another AmeriKat expose, revealing the inner workings of a court we all want to see, but never as defendants ...

Missed the Target: Registration of Parody Trade Marks in Australia

In one of the week's most popular posts, Jani writes up a dispute from Down Under over the Target/Tar-Jay marks,

Tinkering with IP threats: Commission consults, Parliament proposes and Robin roars

Thanks so some handy updating from Vicki Salmon, the Kats are able to reveal that a sincere attempt to tidy up one of the messiest bits of British IP law looks like causing some further messes.

Protection of Traditional Knowledge - governments are the problem and Nagoya is not the solution

Veteran Katfriend Professor Graham Dutfield lends us his measured judgement on a subject that raises passions as well as problems.

Alphabet: Google spells out its reasons -- but does this also spell trouble?

One-time guest Kat and long-time Katfriend Miri Frankel returns to make some pertinent observations about a sudden re-brand that has raised many eyebrows

Co-branding and multiple brands; what they don't teach in your trade mark course

When Mondelēz, OREO and Acccenture combine, Neil is bound to offer a perceptive comment.



Never too late 58 [week ending on Sunday 9 August] -  Teva UK Ltd & Another v Leo Pharma A/S | Traditional Knowledge Digital Library | Governance of the EPO Boards of Appeal |Atelier Eighty Two Limited v Kilnworx and ownership of copyright in logos | Productivity at the EPO | The Lone Inventor: a Katonomist report | Bradman Foundation v Sir Don's family| IP Inclusive |Michael Jordan in China | Stage fright and performances | Lookalikes and inactivity | Taking unfair advantage of exceptions to copyright infringement | Great Bake Off parody goes off-air.

Never too late 57 [week ending on Sunday 2 August] - French Law on out-of-print works | Swiss rule on delivery of scientific documents | Post-expiry patent royalties in the US | Confusingly similar wet-wipe packaging | Copyright infringement and Twitter jokes | Permission to link? | Criminalisation of IP and economics | Keeping count of blocked websites in the UK |Birkin Bags | Patentability of user interface designs in Germany |Smith & Nephew v ConvaTec | Report on IPEC litigation |does Twitter have a future? | New books on cyberespionage and patenting of life forms.
Never too late 56 [week ending on Sunday 26 July] - Private copy in the UK | IP statistics | India and TK | Copyright enforcement in Australia | Wobben Properties GmbH v Siemens PLC & Others Blue Gentian v Tristar Products | EU Copyright reform: IP or competition law?  

Never too late 55 [week ending on Sunday 19 July] - Traditional Knowledge and indigenous people | Traditional Knowledge in Canada | Traditional Knowledge and unbalanced dialogues | E-mail addresses as trade secrets | CJEU on essential patents in Case C-170/13 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd v ZTE Corp., ZTE Deutschland GmbH | CJEU on disclosure of infringers’ bank data in Coty Germany GmbH v Stadtsparkasse Magdeburg Infocit - Prestação de Serviços, Comércio Geral e Indústria, Lda v OHIM | Moral ambiguity of trade secrets | CJEU on limits of TM exclusive right in TOP Logistics BV, Van Caem International BV v Bacardi & Company Ltd, Bacardi International Ltd | Non-traditional trade marks in Japan.