Never too late: if you missed the IPKat last week ...

While regular updater Alberto Bellan continues his well-earned holiday, IPKat blogmeister Jeremy again brings news of last week's substantive blogposts for the benefit of those very many people who have been holidaying or otherwise absent in the past week.  For the record, this is the 60th weekly collection which the Kats have lovingly compiled.

For the record, the most popular posts, out of the selection listed below, are the Google-to-Alphabet name change item, Part V of the test-drive for the Unified Patent Court and the Parmigiano Porn post.

A test-drive for the Unified Patent Court: Part V the case management hearing

This has been a busy week for reporting the Bristows real-time test of Europe's maybe-soon-to-be-operating Unified Patent Court. Here's what happened in the case management session -- and the hearing itself gets a mention below.

From food porn to porn with food: the case of PornHub and Parmigiano Reggiano

Many people enjoy sprinkling a little Parmesan cheese over their spaghetti bolognese. It seems however that this famous cheese, not normally associated with sex, has been involved in a melt-down of a rather different variety. Eleonora reports.

The Kats are always pleased to hear from one of their former colleagues, never more so when they contact us with a ready-to-post guest blog up their sleeves. Here's a post from recent guest Kat Suleman Ali on a topic that touches the heart of patent protection.

A test-drive for the Unified Patent Court: Part VI At the hearing

More of the same from Bristows. Who would be a patent litigator in the New Europe, Merpel wonders ...

From guest Kat Nikos comes the story of some energetic litigation in Greece over a fairly well-known trade mark. Were the criteria of global assessment of the likelihood of confusion correctly applied?

Biker, biker, biker gang!

The irrepressible Katonomist Nicola roars into action with a fun piece about the apparent attempt of the US government to control biker gangs through the use of ... trade mark law. A great read for anyone wanting to know about man buns and fixies. 

C-681/13: How to pay damages for an entirely lawful customs seizure

Guest Kat Mark picks up on a Court of Justice of the European Union ruling that nearly escaped unnoticed, on Diageo's bad luck in having to pay rather more than it might have expected for the privilege of seeking to enforce its Johnny Walker whisky trade mark.

Not Buying It: Dallas Buyers Club's Demands (Largely) Rejected in Australia

Speculative invoicing -- or demanding money from consumers for watching films? No money for copyright assertion entity, says the Australian court. Guest Kat Jani explains.


Never too late 59 [week ending on Sunday 16 August] - Fundamental deficiency in an EPO decision need not be a problem |Benedict Cumberbatch versus admiring audience | Emma Perot on graffiti as dress art | Location of London's division of the UPC | Cool, confident and healthy: Katonomy meets Jawbone and Fitbit |Planning permission and that London UPC venue |Partial priority and poisonous provisionals: questions for EPO Enlarged Board |Target TM parody in Australia | IP threats in the UK | Traditional knowledge and Nagoya | From Google to Alphabet | Co-branding and multiple brands.
Never too late 58 [week ending on Sunday 9 August] -  Teva UK Ltd & Another v Leo Pharma A/S | Traditional Knowledge Digital Library | Governance of the EPO Boards of Appeal |Atelier Eighty Two Limited v Kilnworx and ownership of copyright in logos | Productivity at the EPO | The Lone Inventor: a Katonomist report | Bradman Foundation v Sir Don's family| IP Inclusive |Michael Jordan in China | Stage fright and performances | Lookalikes and inactivity | Taking unfair advantage of exceptions to copyright infringement | Great Bake Off parody goes off-air.

Never too late 57 [week ending on Sunday 2 August] - French Law on out-of-print works | Swiss rule on delivery of scientific documents | Post-expiry patent royalties in the US | Confusingly similar wet-wipe packaging | Copyright infringement and Twitter jokes | Permission to link? | Criminalisation of IP and economics | Keeping count of blocked websites in the UK |Birkin Bags | Patentability of user interface designs in Germany |Smith & Nephew v ConvaTec | Report on IPEC litigation |does Twitter have a future? | New books on cyberespionage and patenting of life forms.
Never too late 56 [week ending on Sunday 26 July] - Private copy in the UK | IP statistics | India and TK | Copyright enforcement in Australia | Wobben Properties GmbH v Siemens PLC & Others Blue Gentian v Tristar Products | EU Copyright reform: IP or competition law?