New AdWords Structured Snippet Extension Is Rolling Out

adwords structured snippets extensionTo give advertisers more control (really) over what shows up in the structured snippets in text ads, Google is rolling out structured snippet extensions.

It’s a variation on the dynamic structured snippets that came out earlier this year. You’ll be able to select the type of values — such as amenities, product types, brands — that makes sense for your campaign and add the values you want included under that list, in the order your want.

structured snippet setupSo what’s the difference between callouts and structured snippets. Google says to use callouts to “highlight what makes your business or products or services unique”. While structured snippets should be used to “highlight a specific aspect of the products or services you offer”. That’s pretty subtle, but they can be used together, so be sure you’re not duplicating what you’re highlighting in both.

Both have 25 character limits. As few as one structured snippet can display and the maximum number shown depends on the character length and screen size. For more on the differences between callouts and structured snippets, see the blog post.

Structured snippets are rolling out in accounts over the next several weeks, and are available in English only for now.

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