Pune witnesses 44 IoT solutions created

Intel for the very first time conducted the two-day Intel IoT Roadshow (1st and 2nd August 2015) in Pune with a total of 120 plus participations. The developers came together at this 24 hour hackathon to build IoT enabled solutions. 44 IoT solutions were created using the Intel IoT Developer Kit which includes an Intel Edison Development Board, an Arduino-compatible development board based on Intel Architecture.

Gesture Based Home Automation, a solution that allows you to control and execute various household activities using gestures, walked away with the first prize. The other winning projects included Smart City Plugin – a solution to digitally monitor the city infrastructure using the cloud, DoorMate – a smart door that can send you alerts and also allows you to trigger action, Brain Inside – a smart helmet to protect motorists, Smart Digital Contracts – a solution to seamlessly transfer value and IOT Aqua – a smart aquarium. The judging panel was a mix of senior media technology editors and senior Intel technology team....Read more