
RegRipper Plugin Updates
I made some updates to a couple of plugins recently.  One was to the networklist.pl/networklist_tln.pl plugins; the update was to add collecting subkey names and LastWrite times from beneath the Nla\Cache\Intranet key.  At this point, I'm not 100% clear on what the dates refer to, but I'm hoping that will come as the data is observed and added to timelines.

I also updated the nic2.pl plugin based on input from Yogesh Khatri.  Specifically, he found that in some cases, there's a string (REG_SZ) value named "DhcpNetworkHint" that, if you reverse the individual nibbles of the string, will spell out the SSID.

This is an interesting finding in a couple of ways.  First, Yogesh found that by reading the string in hex and reversing the nibbles, you'd get the SSID.  That in itself is pretty cool.  However, what this also says is that if you'd doing a keyword search for the SSID, that search will not return this value.

Corey's most recent blog post, Go Against The Grain, is a pretty interesting read.  It is an interesting thought.  As a consultant, I'm not usually "in" an infrastructure long enough to try to effect change in this manner, but it would be very interesting to hear how others may have utilized this approach.

"New" Tools
Eric Zimmerman recently released a tool for parsing the AmCache.hve file, which is a "new" file on Windows systems that follows the Registry hive file format.  So, the file follows the same format as the more "traditional" Registry hive files, but it's not part of the Registry that we see when we open RegEdit on a live system.

Yogesh Khatri blogged about the AmCache.hve file back in 2013 (here, and then again here).

While Eric's blog post focuses on Windows 10, it's important to point out that the AmCache. hve file was first seen on Windows 8 systems, and I started seeing them in images of Windows 7 systems since about the beginning of 2015.  Volatility has a parser for AmCache.hve files found in memory, and RegRipper has had a plugin to parse the AmCache.hve file since Dec, 2013.

I applaud Eric for adding a winnowing capability to his tool; in an age where threat hunting is a popular topic for discussion, data reduction (or, "how do I find the needle in the haystack with no prior knowledge or experience?") is extremely important.  I've tried doing something similar with my own tools (including, to some extent, some RegRipper plugins) by including an alerting capability based on file paths found in various data sources (i.e., Prefetch file metadata, Registry value data, etc.).  The thought behind adding this capability was that items that would likely be of interest to the analyst would be pulled out.  However, to date, the one comment I've received about this capability has been, "...if it says 'temp was found in the path', what does that mean?"

Again, Eric's addition of the data reduction technique to his tool is really very interesting, and is very likely to be extremely valuable.

Shell Items
I had an interesting chat with David Cowen recently regarding stuff he'd found in LNK files; specifically, Windows shortcut/LNK files can contain shell item ID lists, which can contain extremely valuable information, depending upon the type of examination you're performing.  Specifically, some shell item ID lists (think shellbags) comprise paths to files, such as those found on network shares and USB devices.  In many cases, the individual shell items contain not only the name of a folder in the path, but also timestamp information.  Many of the shell items also contain the MFT reference number (record number and sequence number combined) for the folder.  Using this information, you can build a historical picture of what some portion of the file system looked like, at a point in the past.

Conference Presentations And Questions
Many times when I present at a conference and open up for questions, one question I hear many times is, "What's new in Windows (insert next version number)?"  Many times, I'm sort of mystified by questions like this, as I don't tend to see the "newest hotness" as something that requires immediate attention if analysts aren't familiar with "old hotness", such as ADSs, Registry analysis, etc.

As an example, I saw this tweet not long ago, which led to this SANS ISC Handler's Diary post.  Jump Lists are not necessarily "new hotness", and have been part of Windows systems since Windows 7.  As far as resources go, the ForensicsWiki Jump Lists page was originally created on 23 Aug 2011.  I get that the tweet was likely bringing attention back to something of value, rather than pointing out something that is "new".

As a bit of a side note, I tend to use my own tools for parsing files like Jump Lists, because the allow me to incorporate the data in to the timelines I create, if that's something I need to do.